What did you accomplish today?

Bet things get ripe real quick in that weather. It's 80 with high humidity here. I just had a pick up in a residential area and got stuck at a stop light for the longest time. The business woman that pulled up behind me in her hummer with all the windows open was dry heaving and waving hers hands around the whole stop. I love my job. :-D
Wish you video'd it
Saw on the news today that it's supposed to hit crazy triple digits down south today - I feel for you guys enduring it.
Our forecast is for a high of 55 Deg F.
Those are our night temps!
My wife starts bitching when daytime highs hit 80.
Gonna flip all of my outdoor plants starting today. The Afgooey should easily finish by Oct, but it will be close for the sativa hybrids.
Moving 11 plants twice a day sucks, but six of them are in 2-gallon pots. The other five are on wheels...
Have y'all seen " Trapped in Paradise " Dana has some awesome lines in that movie. It's one of my favorite Christmas classics.
Great movie lol

How old is that wheelbarrow, that thing is amazing.
Ohh BTW great job
Me and aero can be wheelbarrow buddies.. old pic so it's even worse now.. but the wheel I use for masonry
It leaks the first one or 2 mixes.. it squeaks and it has a serious lean to it. And it's ridiculously heavy from not cleaning it out perfectly everytime.. I named it wheelie haha.
I also cut the front down so it's easier to pour concrete