What did you accomplish today?

Damn dude!
Yeah, this fire isn't really that large as you know, very surprised calfire still has it at only 2000 acres tell you the truth.
Last year it was a 100' defensible space around your property, this year it's supposed to be 150'. And you do get visited by the FD. I bet this has helped allot with the structures.
Fires nearby me and even up higher are usually way bigger. So, it could be worse.
When they were showing hellicopter footage last night, omg how many crops they showed
After the fire, you think those growers will be "visited"?

Did you see this?: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/fiery-rhetoric-california-feds-18m-fire-debt-48512520
After the fire, you think those growers will be "visited"?

Did you see this?: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/fiery-rhetoric-california-feds-18m-fire-debt-48512520
Yes, exactly! And i used to have a huge outdoor grow in the evacuation area, stopped when measure A happened here.

Under current local laws, anyone now can make a complaint to code enforcement. Those people are fucked. If not from the fire already, they will be from a visit. It's bullshit.
One of my really good buddies who is evacuated, has one of those big crops going :-(
Tried to get my pressure washer running. It hadn't been used for about five years so I was pretty sure it wouldn't start right up.
Nope, not happening.
So I took the carb off and cleaned it good. Made sure fuel lines and main jet were clear, then put it all back together.
The fucking thing still won't run. It's got spark, and I can get it to run for a few seconds by spraying the air cleaner with high octane starter fluid.
Anyone got advice? I'm about ready to park this fucker in the driveway with a FREE sign.
Mrs. Stool has always hated this thing anyway and wants an electric model...
Tried to get my pressure washer running. It hadn't been used for about five years so I was pretty sure it wouldn't start right up.
Nope, not happening.
So I took the carb off and cleaned it good. Made sure fuel lines and main jet were clear, then put it all back together.
The fucking thing still won't run. It's got spark, and I can get it to run for a few seconds by spraying the air cleaner with high octane starter fluid.
Anyone got advice? I'm about ready to park this fucker in the driveway with a FREE sign.
Mrs. Stool has always hated this thing anyway and wants an electric model...
View attachment 3974778

don't take it to jesus.
oh, and it's 73 degrees here all day, every day. no matter what.
Tried to get my pressure washer running. It hadn't been used for about five years so I was pretty sure it wouldn't start right up.
Nope, not happening.
So I took the carb off and cleaned it good. Made sure fuel lines and main jet were clear, then put it all back together.
The fucking thing still won't run. It's got spark, and I can get it to run for a few seconds by spraying the air cleaner with high octane starter fluid.
Anyone got advice? I'm about ready to park this fucker in the driveway with a FREE sign.
Mrs. Stool has always hated this thing anyway and wants an electric model...
View attachment 3974778
You might have to run water through the system for it to start. That's how mines works or it won't start. Good luck.
Had to share this with you guys.

Me and little Inda were chillin in the living room, I'm watching tv and he's watching his tablet ....so all the sudden he says DAD!!! DAD!!! these people just said sponge bob square ass ..lol.....we both kinda laugh...me mostly and I help him switch the video back to his regular stuff .....so about 45 minutes go by and again he goes DAD!!.....I say what's up buddy .....He goes you know the dance move I do called the DAB!!,,,,the one that I learned in kindergarten ...I said yeah, what about it ........((keep in mind his face is dead ass serious))......I said what about it ..............LOL..

He goes .....the illuminati created it ......LMFAO..lol

The last thing I thought he'd ever say ....caught me off guard and made me laugh pretty hard ......He didn't like the fact that I was laughing about such a serious thing in his opinion ........so then I proceeded to have an exchange about the illuminati with my soon to be 6 year old ....lol.......so he's done doing the Dab and doesn't want anyone else he loves doing it ....because the illuminati is part of the BOOGIE crew and he wants nothing to do with it........as I'm walking out of the room to have a cigarette now ....I hear him saying to himself .....Why would my school teach me an illuminati dance .....lol ....so I'm headed back in to put him to bed and put the tablet to rest for the night ......

Illuminati confirmed.

Not to mention my little chunker is starting to get slightly mobile ...and into everything he can't have ....his mad scream is quite the show ....little shit ...lol....loves to pull his brothers ears and hair just to hear him scream as well .........lots of entertainment from my two monsters.

K off to put the illuminati to bed TTUL guys/gals
I was dicking around in my garage and didn't pay much attention to a few cardboard scraps on the the floor.
Stepped on one and was instantly horizontal on the floor with one leg sticking out sideways. At first I thought I had blown my ACL, but the knee is OK.
My lower back is another story. As long as I don't move, it's fine.
Any movement causes pain so excruciating it makes me nauseous.
Just took some leftover vicodin from my last dental surgery and Mrs. Stool went to buy muscle relaxers.
I really hope this feels better by tomorrow, but I've got a feeling I'm going to end up in the ER.

Decided to smoke a joint tonight ...a mix of some bubba and some pink cookies ....crazy good smell mixing those two together .......I enjoy a joint every now and then ....my sis actually invited me to come smoke it on her porch with her ....so were having a bedtime smoke session together ....she was in bed seemingly asleep until I knocked on her door to tell her good night and
asked where the papers were...lol...she perked rite up.

Have a good night and morning guys/gals, gotta get up early and make my drive to take care of things .....going by to check on baby Gary tomorrow as well.......Ga Night
