What did you accomplish today?

I received 8 stitches in my foot earlier today as the result of a Bday mission.
Kind of a long and funny story, but I'll break it down and let y'all use your imagination.
Today was Mr Tangerines Bday. I drove out to the work site to find him and his guys told me he was out on one the wood lots doing some work.

I took his old work truck and found him on the skidder and gave him his B-day present :P
Afterwards, I went to hop back in the truck, barefoot (yeah yeah I know...sooo country of me, lol) and dragged my foot up the rocker panel which is rusty and jagged bc its just an old POS work truck his crew uses for...well, shit work, lol. It laid my foot wide open. :shock:

Anyway, went to the ED and it was slow but it quickly turned into comedy central after I'd hinted at what I was doing prior to injury. Most of the RNs I either went to school with or were former colleagues. And damn...those older ladies can be sassy. :oops:

I decided even with INS, it would've been cheaper to fly him out to the Bunny Ranch.
Next yr all he's getting is a steak!!
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My brother in law came out with a drone yesterday and took some nice shots of our farm.

View attachment 3976618 View attachment 3976622

Incredibly cool pics!

Makes me want to check out a cheap drone.

I lost the entire day to a migraine. I hadn't had one for a while, finally called in for Rx around noon. They said it would be called in for 5. I went to pharmacy but they said no Imitrex nasal spray till tomorrow.

Fuck. Pain pills don't work on migraines. Goes away until pill wears off and bounces right back, with extra nausea.

It could be worse, I just hate being laid up.
Incredibly cool pics!

Makes me want to check out a cheap drone.

I lost the entire day to a migraine. I hadn't had one for a while, finally called in for Rx around noon. They said it would be called in for 5. I went to pharmacy but they said no Imitrex nasal spray till tomorrow.

Fuck. Pain pills don't work on migraines. Goes away until pill wears off and bounces right back, with extra nausea.

It could be worse, I just hate being laid up.
That sucks man.
Do the "experts" know what's causing your migraines?
Incredibly cool pics!

Makes me want to check out a cheap drone.

I lost the entire day to a migraine. I hadn't had one for a while, finally called in for Rx around noon. They said it would be called in for 5. I went to pharmacy but they said no Imitrex nasal spray till tomorrow.

Fuck. Pain pills don't work on migraines. Goes away until pill wears off and bounces right back, with extra nausea.

It could be worse, I just hate being laid up.

Migraines suck. I've suffered from headache issues all my life, but with a head like this, one can expect problems.
Incredibly cool pics!

Makes me want to check out a cheap drone.

I lost the entire day to a migraine. I hadn't had one for a while, finally called in for Rx around noon. They said it would be called in for 5. I went to pharmacy but they said no Imitrex nasal spray till tomorrow.

Fuck. Pain pills don't work on migraines. Goes away until pill wears off and bounces right back, with extra nausea.

It could be worse, I just hate being laid up.

You try magic mushrooms? A friend of mine suffered from debilitating migraines and the annual mushroom trip has reduced the frequency to about one episode per year
I received 8 stitches in my foot earlier today as the result of a Bday mission.
Kind of a long and funny story, but I'll break it down and let y'all use your imagination.
Today was Mr Tangerines Bday. I drove out to the work site to find him and his guys told me he was out on one the wood lots doing some work.

I took his old work truck and found him on the skidder and gave him his B-day present :P
Afterwards, I went to hop back in the truck, barefoot (yeah yeah I know...sooo country of me, lol) and dragged my foot up the rocker panel which is rusty and jagged bc its just an old POS work truck his crew uses for...well, shit work, lol. It laid my foot wide open. :shock:

Anyway, went to the ED and it was slow so it quickly turned into comedy central after I'd hinted at what I was doing prior to injury. Most of the RNs I either went to school with or were former colleagues. And damn...those older ladies can be sassy. :oops:

I decided even with INS, it would've been cheaper to fly him out to the Bunny Ranch.
Next yr all he's getting is a steak!!
LOL. Sorry about your foot
On another note, was in hospital last night in Atrial Fibrillation. Received the second cardioversion of my life, 300joules, no biggie. I refused the conscious sedation because i wanted to drive home afterwards, the doc was super excited to shock a person who was wide awake, fml. The shock wasnt as bad as i thought, but holy fuck does it hit you like a sack of bricks!

This morning my stethoscope tells me im still normal sinus, normal rate.

I've broken lots of young ladies hearts in my day; is this karma in action?
Dropped my wife off at the spa for a hot stone treatment while I took my daughter to the McDonald's play area.
Streamed some crap, Watered the veggie seedlings. Now I am vegging chain smoking joints.

I always have my rhizotomies done awake so I can drive myself the fuck away from hospital afterwards. I just tell them someone is picking me up. I once drove from the hospital to the guy I got weed from at the time, then home.
It was triggered by a fucked icee.

I had a gnarly brainfreeze, and it converted me into an arrhythmia.

This is 3rd time officially in AF, twice in two months. I'm young and healthy, in the best shape of my life, my cardiologist is like wtfff
id say you have an allergy/sensitivity to ice cream/cold, or extreme body temp changes. good to know. :peace:
My mom had surgery on the shoulder. Plate and screws. Wife is diabetic and been fighting a urinary tract infection that looks like it has moved to her kidneys. The Dr. Sent her to the er.

Looks like I will be dealing with hospitals and nursing home for a bit.

I don't like this, but you have my sympathies. I wish a quick recovery for all