What did you accomplish today?

I'm saving that for our wedding elopement.


Whoa! So you bought the ASIF Synthes kit and did your mom's humeral neck fracture? Damn that's hardcore! LOL
PS who did her anesthesia or did you buy the vent with vaporizer and have your wife do it :P I imagine gunite equipment runs about the cost of one of those ventilators. Whatever you do, DO NOT buy a neurosurgical microscope from Harbor Freight, although I'd happily buy a Bovie from them.

Little bit on the extreme side.

I would bet money that if someone were to guide me I could do that surgery. I know that sounds cocky but I'm good with a blade or scalpel. That's not to mean I know what a Dr does.

I kind of meant within reason. Of course I let the Dr do the surgery.

Let me clarify. I will not pay someone to fix or repair anything mechanical or home repairs.