Well-Known Member
Tedious day today. We put in a 3 section folding ladder to garage attic...where previously there was a work bench with a vertical ladder on top of the bench. Kinda tough to climb up on bench, watch your head and climb up vertically. Nicer now. The hole looked good, but wasn't square so we did a lot of shimming...will cover with trim tomorrow. You have to flex the assembly a 1/2" to clear ceiling heater and a 1/2" the other way to clear electric box...and can't fold out 3rd section until it clears gas line. Takes 10 seconds to unfold...I never claimed to plan perfectly. It works though...and not a high traffic area...

Can you guess tomorrow's project?
I like the view from the top.

Can you guess tomorrow's project?

I like the view from the top.