What did you accomplish today?

Got a block of coco coir doing cal-mag and pH buffering in the bath. Got about 12 more plants to bag up then I'm done with bags for this grow. Think it took about 9 or 10 compressed 5kg blocks so far and 2 giant arse bags of perlite. Quite sick of mixing perlite and coco by now. Must make a machine to do this. Gotta drop little one at ballet classes just now and go pick up some mids, I'm all out and tired of smoking larf.
Congrats buddy. I have 2 granddaughters, one I get to watch all the time while her mom works.. lucky me.. daughter 6yrs old granddaughters 4yrs old.. lol.. my daughter is an aunt.. lol

I thought your kids were young , I didn't realize you have grand children . Your a lucky guy to get to see them regularly my son and his family lives 6 hours away. My grandson is 2 ( terrible 2 ) and when we get to spend a couple of days with him it's wide open play time .
I thought your kids were young , I didn't realize you have grand children . Your a lucky guy to get to see them regularly my son and his family lives 6 hours away. My grandson is 2 ( terrible 2 ) and when we get to spend a couple of days with him it's wide open play time .
I have 3 from previous marriage, 25 23 and 21 and my 6yr old is with my current gf of 8yrs.. my granddaughter I watch lives 3 miles away my other lives bout 45 miles away.. it's wide open when she comes over, my daughter is HTIC ( head toddler in charge) lol so it's a challenge for sure. But I'm happy to do it. For the most part:roll:
Cherish what you have, put all arguments tooo a side.... love each other. Life's too short, you think it will never go, but once it does you realise what can't me replaced.

Story off my life, I would loved to still have my grandma and dad around too see my kids grow. Family politics and demons who is my mum can send you astray from the love you once cherished. You become deluded in a thought what ever ypur mum says is the truth. Never believe nobody even if it's your wife.

Forgetting all the good and remembering the bad was my problem. My relationships were effected because of others dislikes and disoptovals.

I have achieved nothing today, but hopefully my wise words can encourage all of us too love. And also look at the argument in different angles, not just your own angle. Put yourself in the other persons boots. Who ever is good too you be double in return.if a fuse starts over nothing, instead of chucking more petrol onto the fire. Learn to think fuk it, shit happens. Nobody's perfect. And don't expext people too understand ypur emptipns either. Unless you don't express them too the point you open up completely, which is harder than saying.

I have 3 from previous marriage, 25 23 and 21 and my 6yr old is with my current gf of 8yrs.. my granddaughter I watch lives 3 miles away my other lives bout 45 miles away.. it's wide open when she comes over, my daughter is HTIC ( head toddler in charge) lol so it's a challenge for sure. But I'm happy to do it. For the most part:roll:

You sound like my dad. Keep strong brother. :cool:
Yeah , it was really sweet the way they broke the news . We were having a tailgate bbg before the opening college game , and my son said hey we have pictures for you guys , so he hands them to my wife and she starts looking through and BAM there in the middle of the stack is a ultrasound pic .
Ahh that is really sweet. He sounds like he might be a lot like you!
...snip.......Never believe nobody even if it's your wife.....snip....
The double negative turns it into a positive. More importantly that is a recipe for divorce. Marriage is to create the next generation, best to grow completely up, get things sorted out with your parents and then choose very wisely who you will spend the rest of your life with. Before 28 is to young to get to married, statistically speaking, but thank you for the advice of youth. It is always interesting. Come back and let us know your perspective when you hit 60.
