What did you accomplish today?

Back problems totally suck! I was out of commission for several days after tweaking mine. Thank god I had some leftover vicodin from a dental procedure, or I wouldn't have slept at all.
Yesterday my wife mentioned that I really should go to physical therapy to strengthen it, but I'm still gun-shy after rotator cuff rehab. Those mother fuckers put the hurt on me big time, and I'm not looking forward to seeing them again.
For anything.

But I'm not bitter... :roll:
Notice the little blue light in the pic

Momma ordered a slingshot helicopter Doo hicky for lil Inda ....he bugged me all day about shooting it at night .....even though I feel like shit I took him out so he could launch it .....about 2 minutes after being outside he said ....Dad will you launch it super high like on the commercial ....I said sure.....literally stretched that fucker to the breaking point and let her rip.....he was thrilled watching that cheap little overpriced chinese toy twirl back down to earth .........rite up until the point it suddenly stopped 30ft up wedged inbetween two power lines.....he went from pure joy and helicopter happiness to .......DAD, you can get it back rite DAD......((SMFH)) .......it's time for bed buddy .......LOL....pretty much sums up my day..

Good Night peeps
@srh88 sighting today.

Finally had a day to go to the ranch house where I have a few fully outdoor tomatoes ...I played around with training this gal and went with a new soil ....for how much attention this little plant has gotten from me it's gorgeous imvho .....just a relaxing day still feeling a bit under the weather .....back to my tomato farm first thing tomorrow ....I thought that was a cool pic I snapped so I figured I'd share it .

Some of you guys may remember the pic I shared of the ((extras)) I had behind the ranch house a few months back ......that's one of em

This photo was stolen from the internet and I have no idea who or what grew it.....-Inda