What did you accomplish today?

I'm thinking about plunking down the money for a fishing license (+ salmon). Not sure if it's worth the effort. Catching fish is fun and all, but the only place I do well casting from the shore is where pink salmon spawn. The upside is that they are *really* easy to catch. If you get there at just the right time, it's possible to hook a fish on every cast.
The downside is that the fish are beat up old boots and definitely *not* good table fare. The only time I've kept pinks from spawning grounds was when I wanted eggs for coho.
Have you guys every used fish in your outdoor garden? I was thinking I could slice em up & bury the suckers in my garden for next year. (Might have to freeze em until the garden is ready -- probably November-ish.)
My dogs don't like fish, so it's unlikely they would mess with it after it's buried. We don't get many raccoons & possums.
I'm thinking about plunking down the money for a fishing license (+ salmon). Not sure if it's worth the effort. Catching fish is fun and all, but the only place I do well casting from the shore is where pink salmon spawn. The upside is that they are *really* easy to catch. If you get there at just the right time, it's possible to hook a fish on every cast.
The downside is that the fish are beat up old boots and definitely *not* good table fare. The only time I've kept pinks from spawning grounds was when I wanted eggs for coho.
Have you guys every used fish in your outdoor garden? I was thinking I could slice em up & bury the suckers in my garden for next year. (Might have to freeze em until the garden is ready -- probably November-ish.)
My dogs don't like fish, so it's unlikely they would mess with it after it's buried. We don't get many raccoons & possums.

"using perfectly good fish for fertilizer was an immoral waste of food, and a 1919 California state law explicitly demanded that sardines should be destined only for cans."

You could reduce it. lol
Calling spawned out fish "perfectly good" is a stretch. I think I've still got the video of a male humpy I caught that had no ass! It was pretty feisty for a fish w/no butt hole.
I don't feel bad about keeping fish for my garden since they are already done spawning by the time I catch them. Many females can't spawn because there's no room & they die with a belly full of eggs.
Males just fight until they die.
Apparently they like biting each other in the ass... :o
Little bit at a time, don't kill the job.
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Just pulled into the house myself ....got everyone nice and warm with plenty of goodies and warm beds up there if they get tired .....il be rite back at it after lil Inda is in school ....My face is beat red and sinuses are awake ..lol.....like cutting onions only different .....get this first wave done and in about 3 weeks il get the rest done .....gotta work in helping out that old dude within the month as well .....but it's time for a hot shower and a warm bed ....this will be life for the next month ....I'm actually kinda glad I got a staggerd crop this year ....gives me a lil break in between and this stuff will be well into cure before the next wave ....looks real nice .....congrats

Good night guys and gals....
.. I suggest cutting down the tree. you will be challenged by this tree problem and possibly more problems from this tree. with the tree so close to your house, like it falling on your house from a storm . Roots uplifting your home foundation. Good luck mate!
spoken like a homeowner that's had tree problems ;) I don't like them next to a house either. Had 2 "incidents" before
We are not allowed to use potable water to wash cars due to the drought.
We just had a rain shower, I was outdoors with a cloth and car soap.
I'm sweaty and wet to the bone but I can see the car again.

I have a little tip. If the black plastics and rubber on your car start looking faded, take a bit of baby oil on a cloth and wipe it down. It will clean out the dirt and refresh the plastic and vinyl without getting everything glossy and oily looking. You can use it in and outside of the car. Dryer plastics like the dash will absorb it faster so it may need a second coat a few days later to just top up those spots.... Also, it makes your car smell nice.

All that welding must mess with your eyes.​