What did you accomplish today?

The biggest negative is my mum, ive had my mum trying to kill my unborn baby, by trying too feed my wife foods such as fish, mangos,I've found out that 2 of my siblings were aborted for what ever reason. My mum does black magic too separate me from my wife. I found out my wife was gang raped after marriage. My mum got remarried when I was just 16 and I suffered as conequince. No role models in my life. Well at, I'm turning 25 this month. I've got 2 boys and 1 girl. I love my wife too bits, too a point I'll even die for her. I wouldn't imagine living one day without her. I've suffered from severe panic attacks and anxiety. I'm suffereing from insomia at the moment. Well I hope I've been through most. Lol when I'm 60, i want me kids looking after me. Hopefully. Family's dislike me as I couldn't make it too my grans and dads funeral.

Dads dead, mothers a money hungry money making machine, grandmother is dead also I've got no siblings. Hardly no family. Except of my own. I'm staying strong for my family.

I want to make some money and go in property development. Make good money and fuk off too Spain. Buy a 2 million villa. Grow autoflowers on the balcony. And drink fresh juices and realm. Swim everyday. Have a nice Ferrari to rip through roads. Other than that lifes treated me good.

It's best to start with the villa , but skip the auto flower . Grow some super danksta , and hide it in your top like ol' Abe , Ferrari is over the top better to drive a Fiero like a yoga star.

Petrol cars will be banned soon, might aswell make the most out of it. Straight too the shed , with a packet of hash plants :bigjoint:

The real beauty is ... I did not generate this. I found it during an image search.
LOL premade for your pleasure huh? You know I'm feeling very flattered! I've never owned an entire wing nut's head before.