What did you accomplish today?

Vegas is a cesspit. The casinos ruined that town. I wouldn't easily or gladly live there. It is a comprehensive showcase of all the worst parts of American culture. I'd live as far as I could from any casino.
i only went there once when i was like 13 or something so i couldn't even gamble but i didn't care much for it. idk anything thats even in vegas tbh just the casino's thats all i know and i guess hoover dam right?
I mean, Vegas was built on casinos. Otherwise it had little purpose. Hence the nuclear testing out there back in the day. Casinos literally had viewing parties for the atomic tests and resulting mushroom clouds.

No one wants to live in Vegas. Most live there because there they have few other choices. Or they were born there and don’t know any different.

So I guess from that standpoint, the casinos DO provide a lot of employment, and did manage to put the city on the map. They did their job.
I've been told that my colonoscopy was a bit problematic.
Apparently I wasn't a happy camper coming out of the drug haze and had to be physically restrained.
I don't remember any of it. :sleep:

Five polyps were removed & sent to the lab, so I'm glad I did it.

That's some seriously weird drugs you get for that.

I'm told I said some strange things after one of mine. Don't remember anything except waking up and not being able to talk or move for what seemed like an hour.
I finished researching and cataloging over 300 coins for my dad. I bought little coin pouches and made a spreadsheet that referenced their locations so he could quickly find any coin he’s looking for. I didn’t find anything rare or valuable and there were a lot of duplicates, so it wasn’t as bad as I initially thought it would be. Took a little over two weeks doing about an hour per day.

I saw my parents last night and gave dad his coins back. He thumbed through the binder a bit then said why don’t you keep it. :shock: Lol really wish he would have said that in the first place. I would have left them in the box.
Up at 5, showered and ate. Outside by 730 doing more scrap cleanup. Came in for some water, it's already 80 out there, and called a half dozen transmission shops trying to find one with a tranny dyno and from what the last guy told me there isn't a place closer than NJ, about a 7 hour drive, with one. WTF? I have 2 trannys I pulled that I need tested and now IDK what I'm doing with them. One of them could be a $1000 tranny if it's good, but if IDK the condition, all I can really do is sell it as a core for a couple hundred. I can get a master overhaul kit for around $250 for the one I know needs work, so I might just try my hand at rebuilding it, not like I could make it worse than it is. Back to sweating my ass off.