What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Going to play a backyard wedding this afternoon in a posh suburb. Not really looking forward to it, it is like 88f and humid, and the gig goes to 7:30pm, which is near dusk so the mosquitos will be coming out. And the LOVE me, they often eat me while my music colleagues don't receive one bite. I'll probably douse myself in repellent. My sister is taking me there and back charging me $100. It's an okay deal, but it is a quarter of my payment. I took a shower today without the leg immobilizer, wearing just a rubbery type ACE bandage. Easiest shower in months. I'm wearing the immobilizer less around the house, my leg is pretty strong and I don't fear it bending accidentally on me anymore. The doc says not to bend it at all, but I do let it bend slightly from time to time just to take the unpleasant painful pressure off the back of my knee from having it constantly extended. Plus, they're going to start to bend it in PT next week, anyway. I'm gonna be a hot, sweaty mess by the time I get home from this one, I'm already looking forward to a nice burrito and a long nap in the recliner in the cool dryness of my place. Wish me luck...
I refuse to use the old acting term for have a good show...


Ursus marijanus
Going to play a backyard wedding this afternoon in a posh suburb. Not really looking forward to it, it is like 88f and humid, and the gig goes to 7:30pm, which is near dusk so the mosquitos will be coming out. And the LOVE me, they often eat me while my music colleagues don't receive one bite. I'll probably douse myself in repellent. My sister is taking me there and back charging me $100. It's an okay deal, but it is a quarter of my payment. I took a shower today without the leg immobilizer, wearing just a rubbery type ACE bandage. Easiest shower in months. I'm wearing the immobilizer less around the house, my leg is pretty strong and I don't fear it bending accidentally on me anymore. The doc says not to bend it at all, but I do let it bend slightly from time to time just to take the unpleasant painful pressure off the back of my knee from having it constantly extended. Plus, they're going to start to bend it in PT next week, anyway. I'm gonna be a hot, sweaty mess by the time I get home from this one, I'm already looking forward to a nice burrito and a long nap in the recliner in the cool dryness of my place. Wish me luck...
Eat garlic. Skeeters hate garlic.


Well-Known Member
I washed a t-shirt in sweat getting some much needed yard work done. Had to take advantage of the cooler weather we're going to have for a couple days. It's not even 80° but 64% humidity which makes it pretty muggy. The front yard was a complete mess and I had to get it cleaned up before the upper 90's and triple digit heat comes back mid week. I didn't get it as nice as I wanted but I got most of the weeds and the house doesn't look like tweakers live here. :mrgreen: The lady across the street has been giving me dirty looks. Her yard is perfect. I've seen her out trimming shrubbery with scissors. I don't have time for that. I plant some flowers and try and keep up with the weeds. It looks nice for the most part.