What did you accomplish today?

I fixed a couple of little electrical gremlins of longstanding in my wife's car this morning
The driver's side master window switch would not roll the passenger side front window down, but it would roll it up, so I took the trim panel off and removed the switch array and opened it up, which is tricky because the thing is held together by six 20 year-old plastic tabs, three on either side which have to be pried up at the same time to get it to open up without breaking anything. So I pried up each plastic tab and stuck a toothpick in to keep it open and finally got the thing apart. I squirted some Cramolin on the switch contacts and put it all back together and now it works great
The other thing I did was to get the non-functioning hatch release button out of the dash, take it apart and clean the contacts, which also works now.
Spent all day working in a boiler room, between two 400* 2000 gallon boilers. My nuts look and fill like the star attraction at a crawfish boil but they don’t smell nearly as appetizing.

This ain’t the food thread is it, I’m sorry if it is.
Fountain is put back together and pumping water the birds should be happy now. The Bushtits ( I don't name them, just ID them in my bird book) come in a herd and play king of the fountain, there has got to be 30 at once taking a bath. The hummingbirds love it also.
Found the hole in the irrigation hose but I'm out of splices. Had to fix where a bubbler broke off from the riser when I was pulling crabgrass out of the way to dig. Always creating more work for myself. Clothes are still in the dryer, they'll be there tomorrow.
What did you do today that you're proud of? Something at work, home, school, personal achievement, etc...

Today I had gravel dropped off and I put in a new driveway. It was a lot of work but I got it done quicker than I thought I would.:)

I had my wife make me an awesome sandwich!!!! finally put on the right amount of mayo.