What did you consumer fucks buy today?

This, but I got it off of eBay for a couple hundred bucks cheaper. Gonna recycle my soil and actually compost, instead of throwing all my scraps on the pile in the woods for the trees to grow roots through and “steal”.

This, but I got it off of eBay for a couple hundred bucks cheaper. Gonna recycle my soil and actually compost, instead of throwing all my scraps on the pile in the woods for the trees to grow roots through and “steal”.
That looks like it will do what you need.

I have this one.

Lifetime 80 gallon compost tumbler

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Been reclining root balls for 5 years now.
A few minerals and additives along with rabbit manure go a log way.
That looks like it will do what you need.

I have this one.

Lifetime 80 gallon compost tumbler

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Been reclining root balls for 5 years now.
A few minerals and additives along with rabbit manure go a log way.

that’s the one I bought too, or very very close. I recycle household green waste plus egg shells and some yard waste like oak tree leaves and woody debris VS going to the city bin with it. Those little stickers (bananas/avacados/etc.) are kinda a pain to take off but in the long run I am happy I am doing it. IMG_2487.jpegIMG_2488.jpeg

This, but I got it off of eBay for a couple hundred bucks cheaper. Gonna recycle my soil and actually compost, instead of throwing all my scraps on the pile in the woods for the trees to grow roots through and “steal”.
I recommend a book called “ let it rot “ . I don’t remember the author’s name but it is a good little read . It helped me with understanding the different approaches to composting and some of the do’s and don’t’s of each approach. You probably don’t need it but it’s still a read .
I had a German Shorthair named Ginger when I was a teenager in Joseph, Oregon

She was incredibly athletic and would run along side me on my Hodaka Wombat 125 @ 40 mph for about a half mile

One time we boarded her at a kennel in Enterprise, Oregon which was 6 miles away while we went on a week vacation- the kennel had an 8' chain link fence and when we got home she was waiting on the front porch