What did you Get Done in the Grow Room Today?


Well-Known Member
I started 8 northern lights x cinderella99.

I vacuumed the carpets and re-arranged my work benches.

Then I changed the airflow on the reflector, its no longer cold out side so i reversed the flow.

I moved my veg tent next to my closet and laid in some black plastic to provide 100% light proof. Later on I plan on running 1 vent but have both light systems exhaust threw the one vent. but for now I dont have the MH hooked up in the veg box anyways, so all is good.

Then I took 3/5 rooted PCK clones and placed them into pots, and placed them in my makeshift green house to start the veg cycle!

Thats most my work I did yesterday for the week. All i gotta do now is check pH and mist the greenhouse / clones til the weekend. Then its time to change the rez again.

All in a nice nights work, Happy growing all :)
nice work yo!


Active Member
misted my baby ak 48 clone just taken two nights ago, started a heavier dose of flower additives - open sesame, and humbolts purple maxx with snow storm.- and also last night added my nirvana fem blue mystic into my flower room. high hopes for that plant. ill get some pics up tonight so you guys can check out my little sea of green ladies. :):):):)


Well-Known Member
misted my baby ak 48 clone just taken two nights ago, started a heavier dose of flower additives - open sesame, and humbolts purple maxx with snow storm.- and also last night added my nirvana fem blue mystic into my flower room. high hopes for that plant. ill get some pics up tonight so you guys can check out my little sea of green ladies. :):):):)
careful with those humbolt additives. You can burn the living shit out of your plant and/or get buds that taste like a chemical dump.


New Member
careful with those humbolt additives. You can burn the living shit out of your plant and/or get buds that taste like a chemical dump.
Thanks for the warning, I have been going easy on them, but DAMN they are effective! Check my post last night ( https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/357460-drowning-plant-prior-harvest-7.html#post5797604 ) for my tricome coated Snow Storm Ultra fueled buds. And Bushmaster is a must for me to veg for 1.5-2 months and then flower in a grow tent that's 6.5' total height. I was thinking of trying Gravity and Purple Max, what are you're experiences with these?


Well-Known Member
Just used gravity on this last run, basically on the insistence of a buddy of mine. Fattened up the buds quite nicely, they are definitely really dense. Seems to me that it is very similar to shooting powder by H and G but not NEARLY as expensive. I used snowstorm...foliar application and didn't see a whole lot of difference really. I think trich production is 95% genetics and 5% environmental.

I think you can get the same purple color by just really reducing night time temps. if you have a purple strain..it should go purple on you.

open seasame and gravity would be complete overkill. They are essentially the same things. All that fox farms shit is sooooo harsh though. Maybe if I was running soil I wouldn't mind but I am in hydro and it will definately negatively affect the final product taste and smoke wise.

hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Waiting for my flower lights to go on. Then I'll check the girls in flower and water them if needed. I need to do a res change on the new dwc system that's vegging and check their growth. And that's about it.


Well-Known Member
still fighting with spider mites and have been for the last month or so. this morning i pulled the plants out of the closet and soaked the closet from top to bottom with a malathion mix. i completly soaked the plants in a neem oil mix and sprayed the top of the soil and pots with the malathion mix. i let it all dry out and gave the room a good vacuming and threw a couple of fresh no pest strips in there.


Active Member
still fighting with spider mites and have been for the last month or so. this morning i pulled the plants out of the closet and soaked the closet from top to bottom with a malathion mix. i completly soaked the plants in a neem oil mix and sprayed the top of the soil and pots with the malathion mix. i let it all dry out and gave the room a good vacuming and threw a couple of fresh no pest strips in there.
good luck bro i hope you get rid of those mites


Active Member
duuuuude. how is that blue mystic?? i got it 4 weeks into flower right now and the smell is fucking magical! i can only imagine the smell at harvest time!


Active Member
its all about timing and ratios. and i do a very thorough flush at the end, ive used derivative bloom nutes for three harvest now and what ive found is with a longer flush you cant even tell a diff.