What difference wud it make if I swapped

I've currently got vero 29 gen 7 3500k 80. Cri.

Would it make much difference to change them to 3000k 90cri?

Heard it's a better flower specrum
can i have those old chips when you swap them?
i should have included i can swap these cobs over free of charge, since i have only just bought them and havnt used em yet , and read some stuff rahz posted about 90 cri having some sort of benefits;), could you describe the differences if possible?

and thank you so much! have learnt so much from this site and all the led gurus! i love this tech and thank you all for making this easy for a noob to understand!! @Rahz @CobKits @Greengenes707 @Growmau5 and others that help to benefit this community!!