what do I do now?


I got about another few weeks of flowering but when they are fully matured and ready to harvest...how do I harvest properly? someone said I had to hang em or something I don't get it..can someone explain?

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
So why don't you want to lose too much weight ... I would have thought that the idea was to get the "right" weight, meaning that the buds are fully cured and at their prime condition ... or maybe that is just me.


so what's the best bud then..how do I cure it properly to maximize potency..and no, I want to get munted..been staring at it for 2 months. it's not leaving my hands


Well-Known Member
it's all a matter of opinion, but most people are looking for a very small moisture content. Basically if there is no moisture the buds just crumble. Too much moisture and they can rot, they will tend to be harsh (for several reasons), and will not burn well. I try to shoot for when they feel completely dry to the touch, however have a slight spring to them if you lightly squeeze. They shouldn't crumble or break up at all with slight flexing, but should be dry enough to not leave any moisture or oil with a very light squeeze. Again, different people will have different preference in how dry they want things, I personally like mine just slightly dryer than what most people I know like it :)