What do I do to get that good smell back?


RIU Bulldog
Then again if you harvested your plant too early, there's really nothing you can do. That's just how some plants smell when you harvest them too early.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Beansly. But the buds werent bone dry when I started curing. Even now after a week in the jars, they still kinda moist inside. As I said, I got rid of one jar and placed the buds in a large tupperware, and my digital hygrometer shows 65% RH inside the tupperware. Its been 65% for 3 days now... is this suppose to decrease? Or should i dry the buds more?

Also I chopped my buds on day 72... judging by the trichs i let them go a little longer than i should have.


RIU Bulldog
Thanks Beansly. But the buds werent bone dry when I started curing. Even now after a week in the jars, they still kinda moist inside. As I said, I got rid of one jar and placed the buds in a large tupperware, and my digital hygrometer shows 65% RH inside the tupperware. Its been 65% for 3 days now... is this suppose to decrease? Or should i dry the buds more?

Also I chopped my buds on day 72... judging by the trichs i let them go a little longer than i should have.
Weird man.
How long did you dry before you put them into jars? The RH in them is supposed to go down. Are you burping them? Did you really read the perfect cure' on icm cause it mentions something about what to do if the RH in the jar stays too high. I don't remember what it says.
Other than that stuff about drying them in 60%RH for 7-14 days, putting them in jars and burping them daily.... If you say you harvested them on time, and they aren't bone dry... Idk what to tell you man. Some plants actually taste like burning tires and raw meat, but if you say your plants smelled good at one point, it'll probab;y come back after a good cure. As long as the buds aren't bone dry you still have a chance.
As stated a proper cure will take a good month, and yes open the jar everyday. However, they should be dried properly before curing! You shouldn't start curing until you can easily break/snap the branch. That's the 1st sign the bud is ready for curing. Also don't stuff your jars, which will allow you just to roll them around then open the lid. This is a lot easier than taking the buds out everytime :)

I have to agree, it should smell good when you cut it done and even better after it is cured. I've had buds taste dank after only 1-week of curing.

Peace out
Exactly, I think I read somewhere perfect drying temp is around 78 degrees with 50% humidity.

Anyways, good luck bro!

Peace out

Weird man.
How long did you dry before you put them into jars? The RH in them is supposed to go down. Are you burping them? Did you really read the perfect cure' on icm cause it mentions something about what to do if the RH in the jar stays too high. I don't remember what it says.
Other than that stuff about drying them in 60%RH for 7-14 days, putting them in jars and burping them daily.... If you say you harvested them on time, and they aren't bone dry... Idk what to tell you man. Some plants actually taste like burning tires and raw meat, but if you say your plants smelled good at one point, it'll probab;y come back after a good cure. As long as the buds aren't bone dry you still have a chance.


Active Member
here's a tip i lucked up on accidentally

- complete slow dry.only remove the large yellowing fan leaves. let the smaller leaves curl up into the buds. if you do this correctly, should take at least 7 days.
- ditch the mason jars. after a long drive, trim the remaining fan leafs and place them in turkey bags. burp them occasionally, and tie them in a loose knot for air flow.

tried this last year and it was the first time my bud didn't smell like grass/hay
Not dissing your method I'm sure it worked well for you, but from what I've read and my own personal experience, you want something air tight for curing. Mason jars are perfect for this. You can also trim the plant completely before drying. If you wait to trim after if is dry it is a lot harder, at least it seems that way to me.

Anyways, try whatever you want. Experimenting is fun & can be rewarding! You will find the way that works best for you.

Peace out

here's a tip i lucked up on accidentally

- complete slow dry.only remove the large yellowing fan leaves. let the smaller leaves curl up into the buds. if you do this correctly, should take at least 7 days.
- ditch the mason jars. after a long drive, trim the remaining fan leafs and place them in turkey bags. burp them occasionally, and tie them in a loose knot for air flow.

tried this last year and it was the first time my bud didn't smell like grass/hay


Active Member
Not dissing your method I'm sure it worked well for you, but from what I've read and my own personal experience, you want something air tight for curing. Mason jars are perfect for this. You can also trim the plant completely before drying. If you wait to trim after if is dry it is a lot harder, at least it seems that way to me.

Anyways, try whatever you want. Experimenting is fun & can be rewarding! You will find the way that works best for you.

Peace out

yea, that's the way i use to dry as well. trim well before drying and and use nice tight mason jars. then i left accidentally left a untrimmed plant in a dark closet for about week. the smell and quality was noticeably better than the same bud harvested differently. also, i find it's actually easier to trim when you've let the small thc leaves curl into the buds naturally. and with the turkey bags, i wouldn't believe it, if i didn't see it myself. something about the mason jars seemed to cause a generic hay scent.

but different strokes for different folks, i'd suggest everyone who has this problem try this method at least once
Cool, worth trying was going to harvest tonight but my kids wore me out today! Harvest tomorrow for sure and will try a turkey bag on some to give it a try. My shit as been so good in jars, but if I can get it better ooo shit!!

Thanks for the info.

Peace out

yea, that's the way i use to dry as well. trim well before drying and and use nice tight mason jars. then i left accidentally left a untrimmed plant in a dark closet for about week. the smell and quality was noticeably better than the same bud harvested differently. also, i find it's actually easier to trim when you've let the small thc leaves curl into the buds naturally. and with the turkey bags, i wouldn't believe if it, if i didn't see it myself. something about the mason jars seemed to cause a generic hay scent.

but different strokes for different folks, i'd suggest everyone who has this problem try this method at least once


Active Member
if they don't smell now, theres not much you can do. What your doing sounds about on par of what i'd try so keep at it. If it makes you feel any better my first grow smelled like hay cause i dried too fast.

drying can be one of the most important and hardest things to do as a grower, its almost an art at first. here's how I do mine and it works well for me-sorry but this will have to be for next time.
Cut down entire plant and remove all fan leaves that aren't growing out of the colas themselves, the big ones the size of your hand. The ones growing out of the cola, leave those ones to cover the buds and lock in the smell, sort of bathing in their own odor. Keep temps 65-70, 75 ok though. RH 50-60. Hotter needs more rh, cooler less. Just play to find the balance where the outer leaves aren't drying too fast. A humidifier helps a lot. oscillating fans blowing on the plants gently. In about a week, the outer leaves covering the buds should become slightly crispy, this is when you trim them. once trimmed, put them in a brown paper bag a few inches deep and close it, opening once or twice a day. This is for 2-4 days and you're still in your rh 55 room. This will let them dry evenly. Once they seem almost a little too dry (the centers will still be damp) put them in mason jars and open those a few times a day until desired. sometimes you can just close them up in the mason jars cause you did the bag thing but as I said, its an art. You can also play with a humidifier if you ever overdry them, it does wonders. the key is slow, if you dry in less than 3-4 days, your gonna get hay smell.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, thats how you break it down! I'll do this next time.
Tho I believe that i havent overdried... the humidity in the jar is 65%.
Did the smell come back in your first grow?


Well-Known Member
I cant find a hygrometer that will fit in the jar, so i just burp them once or twice
a day, take the buds out, let them rest a bit, put them back in, leave the lid open for about an hour.
I've never put so much effort in anything like I did for this grow.
except that u didnt get a hygrometer. check ebay...calibur 3...they have em.
and cure according to the rh schedule that u can find here



Active Member
Thanks man, thats how you break it down! I'll do this next time.
Tho I believe that i havent overdried... the humidity in the jar is 65%.
Did the smell come back in your first grow?
It basically smelled like hay when up to your nose but if you had it in your car the whole car would smell "good", it was rather odd. But no, it didn't really come back. Luckily I nailed it the second time and haven't had any problems since. From what I read, it sounds like you put them in the jars too early. As for RH, I do it all by touch and site so i couldn't really tell you, i'd have to touch yours to be able to tell you. The best way to explain it would they need to be in smokable condition before putting them in, you can't close the jar up and expect it to dry in there. Its just gonna get moldy/musty in a closed up environment if its not dry yet. Do the bag test....put an 1/8 in a bag and pretend you just bought it, if you would say it doesn't smoke well or it still seems damp, its not ready to go in the jar. The jars age (cure) them, it doesn't dry them. You can also do things like jar them but leave the lid off for a few days while its still in your rh 55 room, or do hour on, hour off etc....don't constrain yourself. I do it a little bit different everytime.
This is also arguably the hardest part of growing in my opinion so don't kick yourself. If I had to explain drying in one line, I'd say go slow with a 55rh room and when its where you want them to stop, jar it up.

You'll notice the common theme on all the advice.... is burping, in and out of the jar, do this, do that.....but the jars don't get closed up for good till its ready....all the methods are just to slow the drying down.


Well-Known Member
IMGP5331 - Copy.jpgIMGP5332.jpgFor now I'm going to follow to icmag curing tutorial:

+70% RH - too wet, needs to sit outside the jar to dry for 12-24 hours, depending.

65-70% RH - the product is almost in the cure zone, if you will. It can be slowly brought to optimum RH by opening the lid for 2-4 hours.

60-65% RH - the stems snap, the product feels a bit sticky, and it is curing.

55-60% RH - at this point it can be stored for an extended period (3 months or more) without worrying about mold. The product will continue to cure.

Is anyone else using this curing method? Since I put the buds and hygrometer in a tupperware, its been showing 65% RH. That is on the higher side of the curing zone. Should I take them out and dry them some more? I dont know if its going to be a problem but the RH in my house right now is around 70%.

So, still no smell. I havent tried any yet! But the buds definitely feel dry and crisp, but when I squeez them I feel theres still some moisture in the middle. And its a little too moist or sticky to break it up easily.


Well-Known Member
The AK48 will seriously stink, trust me, the smell comes back when they get proper dried and cured. Infact you'll have to double/triple bag it cos the smell will come back so strongly ;)


RIU Bulldog
Indicas usually need a good cure. If Nirvana's AK48 is anything like Serious Seed's AK47 (I assume it's an exact copy), then it needs a 2-3 month cure. I heard that it smells bad initially but after a good cure it's fruity.


Well-Known Member
The AK48 will seriously stink, trust me, the smell comes back when they get proper dried and cured. Infact you'll have to double/triple bag it cos the smell will come back so strongly ;)

Werrrd?! haha id be happy as a mofo!