What Do I Do?


Well-Known Member
lol the funny thing is, i dont even have a problem with this guy, he just gets his panties in a bunch when he reads my threads...
Actually, the really funny thing is YOU getting YOUR thong in a wad when members post in threads YOU started. So many threads.

This thread is an Orca-parody; and it is not the first one.

So make chubby little jazz hands, sit back, and enjoy all the attention.

You earned it. :lol:


Well-Known Member
you can go fuck yourself, you hover, waiting to find a way to put me down. personally idgaf what people say to me on here, unless its ad hominem attacks, which you have mastered... just leave me alone... dont read my posts... its that simple if you dont like me... but no, you want everyone to agree with you about me, how pathetic


Well-Known Member
you can go fuck yourself,
That is anatomically impossible. :roll:

you hover, waiting to find a way to put me down.
I don't post in the PRECIOUS threads you start, Orca. I said I would not and I have not.

You don't need ME to put you down. It is painfully obvious that you are already there.

personally idgaf what people say to me on here,
Your posting history paints an entirely different picture.

unless its ad hominem attacks, which you have mastered...
Can you even define ad hominem?

just leave me alone...
As I stated earlier, Orca. I don't post in the worthless threads you start.

This thread was started by another member. You were not forced to post in it.

I am perfectly free to post wherever I wish. And if I choose to post in Non-Orca threads, it's none of your motherfucking business. Dig?

dont read my posts...
Where did you get the idea in your little pea brain you could dictate to another member what they READ?

its that simple if you dont like me...
We've been through this, Orca. I NEVER stated I don't like you.

You make me laugh. :twisted:

However, I defer to your expertise on all things simple.

but no, you want everyone to agree with you about me, how pathetic

When did I make THAT statement?

Making unsubstantiated accusations. Now THAT'S pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Dude its the internet. Why so serious? Do you need a hug? Someone to wipe your tears of rage, that no one else will believe how much i suck as much as you do? johnny organic, oh how funny you are. btw, yes i know what ad hominem means sweetie... im smarter than the average Orca


Well-Known Member
dude, thats me in the video!! i made that a few years back when i was short on cash, i never thought anyone would see it!! lol lol lol


Well-Known Member
Dude its the internet.
Fuck! I was under the impression this was Tampa Bay.

I guess I was misinformed.

Why so serious?
Yes, my ridicule is deadly serious. :-P

The next time I post a thread whining that I am too depressed to get out of bed because someone hurt my feelings, your Joker question will be appropriate.

Do you need a hug?
Um. No, thanks. :spew:

Someone to wipe your tears of rage,
If tears are present, they are tears of laughter and mirth.

that no one else will believe how much i suck as much as you do?
When did I claim you suck, Orca? I was under the impression your repertoire was limited to hand jobs.

And when are you going to start PROVING any of these statements?

johnny organic, oh how funny you are.

Wow! From Serious to rage to funny all in one response.

I must be a cauldron of emotions. :lol:

btw, yes i know what ad hominem means sweetie...
I don't think you do.

You may interpret my statements however you wish, but the folks at home read them, too.

im smarter than the average Orca
Forgive me for repeating myself, but your posting history indicates otherwise.


Well-Known Member
say what you like.. i think its soo funny how you break my post down quote by quote, so you can prove a point... no one cares, just stop. lol you're not getting anything done by doing this... just makes you look like the asshole. I said my peice. so... good luck with being so facetious all the time. dont bother to reply, it'll just be your usual reply where you repeat yourself constantly... you're not gonna change me or hurt me or whatever it is you're trying to do.



Well-Known Member
say what you like.. i think its soo funny how you break my post down quote by quote, so you can prove a point...
If you assume I do this just in response to you, your estimation of yourself is unreasonably high.

I know I am repeating myself, but it bears repeating.

no one cares, just stop. lol
Then why do you persist in responding?

you're not getting anything done by doing this...
This much is true. But this diversion will soon end and I will return to what I should be doing.

just makes you look like the asshole.

I am devastated.


I am inconsolable.


I said my peice. so...
You haven't said shit.

good luck with being so facetious all the time.
Thank you?

dont bother to reply,
We've discussed this before. Your attempt to dictate actions to other members, remember?

Is it any wonder I am reduced to repeating myself? :lol:

it'll just be your usual reply where you repeat yourself constantly...
If I repeat myself, I generally say I am; and it is because it is justified.

Usually because the other party is not comprehending. :dunce:

you're not gonna change me or hurt me or whatever it is you're trying to do.
I don't wish to change you.

You are perfect.

Do you book birthday parties? :twisted:

Here's a suggestion: Start yet another thread. :sleep:


Well-Known Member
I have a theory as to why Urca is so upset.

She joined the forum when she was 17. That is not theoretical; it is fact.

Her 18th birthday fell the day after Hitler's birthday (4/21/2011), yet she joined in March 2011.

What follows IS theoretical:

As such, she has a sense of entitlement stemming from her tender age.

But I do not make allowances for age here.

Stupid threads/posts are judged by me on their merits, not on the age of the member.

I don't play by her rules.

She lashes out.

Her chins quivering with anger as she pounds out a retort on her keyboard.

Too bad, Orca.

You are an adult now. :-P
