what do i do?


Active Member
I just bought a dime and need to use it
i live in my parents house so i was wondering
if there are less potent or less detectable ways of getting high off grinded herb
they're asleep but dont wanna risk it
any suggestions would help
eating Mj cooked goodies is a good way to get high without waking your parents up.You can cook while your parents are gone or watever.

Just google some recepies.Try fiding a chocolate truffle recepie.I heard they are easy to make.

:leaf: :hump:
or does it need heat to get the chemicals going
i just wanna get fucking stoned
you know what it feels like to have really good bud that you cant touch
is there some way of smoking it descretely
Hehehe, funny thread. make you a little pipe and just fill the bowl so you only have one hit and finish it. I used to blow through a paper towel roll filled with fabric softener sheets. Or maybe you could walk outside and just get blazed. lol. Good luck.

ps dont blame us if you get busted. lol j/k
well when your parents are asleep go into the bathroom stuff the door bottem with towels or some shit open the bathroom window, turn the shower on, smoke, destroy all evidence, and now your also clean from the shower. turn the fan or w/e on also to get rid of the smell, and.. spray some axe or tag or some shit to also destroy all scent!
Well if you are scared to go outside and smoke a joint, then cooking and smoking in your house will only freak you out more.

Get a pipe bongsmilie , rolling papers :joint: , anything that you are able to smoke your bud with, and just go outside with it, and get yourself some visine and something to cover up the smell, and after you are done smoking your dope; use the visine and odor killer, and enjoy.

If you want away to have it odorless. then either make or buy a Vaporizer to smoke it with.