What do I need to do?

Hunter w

New Member
I currently have some white widow growing in about 2 week of veg and another starting still in solo cup but starting to get yellow brown tips and my plants look like they are being eaten but I have been giving them Neem Oil once a week? Any help please!!! IMG_1855.jpegIMG_1855.jpegIMG_1854.jpegIMG_1853.jpegIMG_1844.jpeg


Well-Known Member
First, they look very nice overall, an observation, the one in the solo cup looks like it’s being misted, don’t do that! What are you growing in, soil or coco? If soil, they look a bit overwatered. The neem may be playing a role in it. Whatever the issue, if there is one, is minor.

Hunter w

New Member
Soil, and I did spray on the leaves from a hood distant. So I shouldn’t spray on the leaves at all even with just water?


Well-Known Member
Soil, and I did spray on the leaves from a hood distant. So I shouldn’t spray on the leaves at all even with just water?
No need to spray the leaves with water, there should be enough humidity in the tent. Spraying the leaves is an open invitation to powdery mildew/mold, the neem is fine, just follow the directions and spray at lights out.


Well-Known Member
I currently have some white widow growing in about 2 week of veg and another starting still in solo cup but starting to get yellow brown tips and my plants look like they are being eaten but I have been giving them Neem Oil once a week? Any help please!!! View attachment 5340099View attachment 5340099View attachment 5340100View attachment 5340101View attachment 5340102
I had this same question when I started growing as well since I had similar damage, some of the guys here pointed out if there was a large enough bug that could put those holes in my leaves I would see it crawling around, he also pointed out it that the damage looked like it was cause by me trying to train my plants, and that the damage looked larger now although the damage accord when they were smaller. Something like that, I'll try and find the quote somewhere

No bug damage that I see. Could it be from fans or you bending/ touching the leaves?
I don't think you'll find anything that would make the leaves look like that!!
I'm with the opinion that says it doesn't look like bug damage, the cut looks straight , could be caused by the bread ties, fingernails, or something sharp.
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