what do i really need for this heat..


heres my set up...simple as can be..but im in arizona..where it dont really get under 100....
but my house is kept at 82 and my tent ranges from 78-84...with a pretty solid 36% humidity i have never been able to close my tent....
i closed it the first night i got it..woke up checked the temp..it was 89 in there...
i really am not comfortable with the temp having that much of a range...is there a way with me being in this heat..to seal up my tent and keep it cool in there??!?!? light bursts out of my room also makes me uncomfortable

its a 3x3x6

tom 053.jpg


Well-Known Member
get yourself an air cooled hood and find somewhere to vent it outside of the lung room. maybe into the attic or out a window.


Well-Known Member
yup. Or crank up the AC.

another option, is to run the lights during the night, and not during the day. that will help keep temps down, but its a pain cuz the lights come on when your going to bed, and the humming of ballasts, pumps, fans.....

really... use the AC unit. thats what i do, my house is a nice 72 degrees always, the grow is around 80, and outside reaches 110 often.


Well-Known Member
heres my set up...simple as can be..but im in arizona..where it dont really get under 100....
but my house is kept at 82 and my tent ranges from 78-84...with a pretty solid 36% humidity i have never been able to close my tent....
i closed it the first night i got it..woke up checked the temp..it was 89 in there...
i really am not comfortable with the temp having that much of a range...is there a way with me being in this heat..to seal up my tent and keep it cool in there??!?!? light bursts out of my room also makes me uncomfortable

its a 3x3x6

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Indoor growing in AZ in summer without heavy AC is a fools errand.