What do pre flowers look like?


Active Member
This is my baby.
She's a white widow grown from a feminized seed.
4 weeks old from seed. 6 inches tall.
Started showing sex two days ago.
I'm not really sure what pre-flowers look like or when to start flowering but I included some pictures. I want a 1 foot plant. I think I read they are suppose to double their size in flowering?



New Member
They do about double in size during flowering. I don't see any hairs on it yet but it might just be the picture. You'll see those brown hairs on pot you buy except they'll be white and straight up instead of curled down


Well-Known Member
preflowers are just the plant revealing itself as a female there arent any actual "preflower flowers" its a terminology for that stage of development.I guess if you want to call it a preflower it would be before the plant builds up alot of calyxes and the starting of calyxes would more or less be the preflower if u will.


Well-Known Member
Preflowers can be a little temperamental and, in my case, often frustrating. Sometimes they'll show and sometimes they won't. The best way to know for sure (and for peace of mind) is to flower it:leaf:
This is my baby.
She's a white widow grown from a feminized seed.
4 weeks old from seed. 6 inches tall.
Started showing sex two days ago.
I'm not really sure what pre-flowers look like or when to start flowering but I included some pictures. I want a 1 foot plant. I think I read they are suppose to double their size in flowering?

It should appear like little white hairs by the nodes between branches, a top of each branch end where new growth always appears. Hairy white things really.


Well-Known Member
mines quite a small ass like yours and has been flowering for about a week, but doesnt seem to wanna flower.. as far as i can see in your pic, you're the same as me - only have stipules no signs of flowering. do you have enough light or not like moi?
Anywhere between day 10-20 of 12/12 you should know without a shadow of a doubt:leaf: