What do u guys think of botanicare? having problems with this medium


Well-Known Member
What sort of problems are you having? I haven't used that product, but from the description, I would imagine the medium requires a lot of watering. How often are you watering your Dixie cups? The label recommends watering 4-6 times a day. That seems like overkill, but you probably need to water your Dixie cups twice a day. Finally, the medium, while not completely inert, has hardly any nutrients in it. Maybe it's now time to start feeding.

Good luck!


I use this soil mix and like the above poster stated it s an extremely light mix and requires more watering than normal. I honestly have started seeds in this mix and damn near killed them after not gving them water for long enough. I wouldn't say it is a shitty medium persay just extremely light (as far as nutrients and ability to hold water goes). I would recommend if you start them in dixie cups to leave 2-3" of cup (meaning don't put soil to the brim of the cup) before the top so when you water it you can fill it up a good 2 times (fill it to the brim let it drain into the soil until none is above the ground level of the soil) and repeat. Once a day should be good but check on them I don't know how hot your room is and how close your lights are to your plant and what type they are. All of those factors could change how much water your seeds are drinking however I wouldn't say it is an all around bad mix just a bit light. Are you planning on growing via an ebb and flow based system or did you just happen to have this soil?