what do u love more weed or sex?

weed or sex?

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Well-Known Member
i seem to see a lot more posts for weed but the poll does not reflect this is it maybe because everyone is to stoned to remember to click on the poll


Well-Known Member
Ive just read this whole thread and theres some very funny comments also enjoyed the racial twist in the middle. Ive voted for weed, couldnt make my mind up until the end when everyone started backing sex. I figure im stuck with the same fanny for the rest of my life but i still get a varity with weed


Well-Known Member
some of you guys are tellin me, if u had the choice to fuck the hottest women in the world, or smoke weed and not be able to fuck her. ud choose to smoke weed. i dont no about some of you but i love gettin my dick wet, and theres nothin like fine pussy.:bigjoint:cheers


Well-Known Member
That is not at all what the question asked. It asked if you would chose herb over sex or vice-versa. Nothing about herb versus the opportunity to be with the hottest woman in the world.


Well-Known Member
Um, are you serious :roll:, SEX

Weed only becomes more important when I know it's coming Before or After the Sex :lol:


Well-Known Member
i did not realize there was a difference.

i can't make this decision.

if i had to go without one or the other.......... nope still can't decide.
if i was on a deserted island and could only have one...................................nope still can't
This is a really fucked up question! I'm with fdd, I choose BOTH!



Active Member
If I didn't have sex I'd need heroin to stay fukd up so I could forget about the chronic depression that would ensue in a life of celibacy.


Well-Known Member
easy, The Right-Honourable Member for Cockingshire always comes first rofl :hump:
i'd rather have a life without weed than without sex, i mean, wtf, people?? has it really been that long???


Well-Known Member
I think the easiest way to answer this question is, go cold turkey on both weed and sex and which ever you go crazy over first is probably your answer.