What do u prefer joints or blunts ( joint vs blunts)


Well-Known Member
for those of u who don't know what a blunt is it's rolled out cigar (tobacco leaf )

Jus wondering what people prefer to smoke and what are your thoughts about it


Well-Known Member
Blunts. But I have a couple strains that I like to use spliffs because it doesn't sacrifice the flavor as much.


Well-Known Member
I don't like spliffs.

I like joints I like to roll fat ones at least five grams.

To me blunts taste strange I like to use hemp papers or job 1.25's.


Well-Known Member
Never heard of those hemp papers before .. Is it jus like joint paper ...
I really do always prefer a blunt can roll it and stuff it as much as I want .. Also I like using those huge thick cigars and rerolling those full of weed

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
I myself prefer a bong or vaporizer! Vaporizers make the worst tasting swag taste really good! A magnifing glass on a sunny day works great too. Unbelieveable flavor.The rolling papers give me a headache unless you roll a big fat one! To me thats a waste of pot.


Active Member
i prefer to smoke using grape swisha sweets it gives the taste a great flavor plus if u roll it tite n use like a cut strip of movie theatre ticket paper you can make a great filter for it tri it out if u havent already


Well-Known Member
I look at it isntead of smoking big fat cuban cigars I smoke smoke them full of herb and smoke then in that classy fat cigar smoking way


Well-Known Member
BLunt. go buy a 3 day blunt which is 12 inches long and then say a joint is better ha ha you can put about an entire ounce in it............................great times:)