What do u prefer joints or blunts ( joint vs blunts)


Well-Known Member
I myself prefer a bong or vaporizer! Vaporizers make the worst tasting swag taste really good! A magnifing glass on a sunny day works great too. Unbelieveable flavor.The rolling papers give me a headache unless you roll a big fat one! To me thats a waste of pot.
I will have to try that magnifying thing that would be awesome.

I also prefer vaporizer, but i also enjoy joints occasionally. Im not a blunt man but i used to be before i started smoking dank all the time. Blunts are harsh, and ruin the flavor of good tasting herb. But if there is a blunt going around, best believe I will hit it. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah man elaborate a little more on the magnifying glass technique like how to use it...

Pass the ganja to left hand side.....
I myself prefer a bong or vaporizer! Vaporizers make the worst tasting swag taste really good! A magnifing glass on a sunny day works great too. Unbelieveable flavor.The rolling papers give me a headache unless you roll a big fat one! To me thats a waste of pot.
Solar hits are the way!!!!

I've smoked my fair share of blunts in my day, but i prefer joints if i had to choose.
Definately Joints, rolled from pure hemp papers, literally, they are called "Pure Hemp" papers, I buy them online, cheaper than standard papers.
I think keeping the flavor of what I'm smoking is part of the experience, also it's smoother than blunts. I don't smoke cigarettes, so there's no appeal in tobacco leaves for me. Also, a joint can be as big as a blunt if I want it to be, also, conversly, when people roll blunts there's usually only a joints worth in it, the rest is the paper and leaf.
Another reason I prefer joints is the roaches. You can easily open up or even just relight a joint roach, blunt roaches aren't so easy, or tasty, you're likely to have only paper in the ends of a blunt.
Then there's the time it takes to roll either. Joints can be ready in minutes, blunts are a whole process, with less guarentee of success.
Another reason is, Blunts seem like, how do I put this, a novelty thing. As in, people hear the word "blunt" and think "whoa, a blunt" when the reality is, you don't get much higher than with the same amount in joints, people hang onto them longer, they are harsher, and frankly, the tobacco they throw away stinks up my trash can, or carpet.
Did I mention that blunts usually hide the taste? why pay for good tasting pot when I can't taste it? I know they have "flavored blunts" but the same problem exists, and I have yet to find one I consider good tasting. Joint's are plain blank slates for the weed to shine through, some can be stale, but not nearly as bad as an average blunt wrap. And with the Hemp papers I mentioned, I rarely taste anything but the pot.
So, overall, I'd definately prefer joints, but if someone insists on rolling a blunt with theirs, I won't refuse.


Well-Known Member
damn..these are old ass threads...

blunts only please. none of that bluntwrap or leather bullshit...vanilla dutch


Well-Known Member
BLUNTS but sometimes i start coughing up brown shit from smoking so many blunts cuz me and my boys dont play games lol so i always stay laced with a pack of KING size zig zags to


Active Member
I perfer what ever is in front of me because im a stoner just like all of u =D it were out of papers PIPE!!!.. but overall Blunts =/


Well-Known Member
I've been smoking for over 25 years and I still love my joints....actually the 1st blunts I was ever around we're always "loaded"...so for a while I thought a blunt was weed and coke/crack in a cigar paper...lol..sorry, but thats how those guys rolled 'em...it wasn't untill I moved back to Detroit that I smoked a real blunt...great for a social smoke out...but I still like my doobies

yes I said doobie...I'm an old fucker..lol


Well-Known Member
...just thought I would add that I can roll a mean doobie...thats why my sig says that...because everyone refers to my joints as cigars...FYI


Active Member
Old school people will always be Joints =D.. why i love joints but blunts i will tolerate but it burns my throat badly. but if i was in rotation i will not jump out ill keep going till i pass out =P


Active Member
I smoked/smoke Peach and Game Greens when I lived in NC I smoked/smoke Grape Dutches in VA And now I smoke mainly name brands out of some type of glass in MA. I got a good connect up here so Im about flavor now. When I was living in VA and NC you dont always have a constant flow of great weed out there so a blunt of some decent shit will do I aint picky just depends on location