what do u think of my micro grow? (pics)


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1861794]haha i was thinkin the same thing, like damn, those speakers must bump, but id rather have weed then a good system ;)[/quote]

i got them from a pawn shop im sure they must of been kinda beat up if he sold them to me for 100 even.


Well-Known Member
i germinating another seed and put it in that new germination soil I got...so hopefully it sprouts within 5 day. The others didnt sprout yet its been like 10 days so I'm loosing hope in them lol.


Well-Known Member
you dont use the paper towel method?? why not if you dont mind?? way easier then making sure soil stays wet all the time . u use a plastic bag under my sat/tv box with papertowel and seeds inside never fails 24 hr germ.


Well-Known Member
I do the paper towel method I just place the root into the germination soil instead of placing it into miracle grow first.


Well-Known Member
i use a cup of distilled water or purified. put the seeds in there, in a dark place. between 24-48 hrs you will see shoots. after 24hrs check every 2 hrs if you can.:leaf: