what do u think?

hi there, my plants are about 2/3 weeks from harvesting and a friend of mine told me that 2 weeks before harvesting i should flood the plants, like let the water run on the dirt for one hour so the plant "know she dying" and that she will grow ALOT on that 2 weeks!

what do u think?


Active Member
You are supposed to flush the plants two weeks before harvest yes I think its like a 1:10 ratio so for every one gallon of soil you do ten gallons of water. I am probably way off on that so do not quote me but yes you should flush unless you are all organics in which case you wont need to. You are supposed to flush to get rid of all the salts in the soil and apparently it makes the bud taste better?


Active Member
I am pretty sure a lot of the bulk is built in the last couple of weeks I highly doubt it has to do with flushing.


Well-Known Member
if you have been useing a lot of liquid nutriens in your soil doing your grow/flowering .. you will mostlikely have a lot left in it .. then do a flush (3x the water as soil .. Etc. 5 gallon soil =15 gallon water)

NOT ! a hour .. do it gently and slowely with room tempert clean water .. and let it drip off good .. then back under the light .. after this you dont add any nutriens to your water .. just water as usealy with clean water ..

this will make your buds free of any left over nutriens .. so they burn better/cleaner and tast better .. tho some dont care and claim they cant tast the diffrent ..

I still do it .. just not so "extreme" I just give it a good watering with lots of runn off .. and then only use clean water last week or two ..