what do you deep fry?


Well-Known Member
well...as the topic says...i've done pb and jelly sandwich to quesadillas and pretty much everything in between.


Well-Known Member
I haven't deepfried anything lately. *Cries like a girl* But you're officially my hero for deep frying my favorite food. PB&J!


Well-Known Member
FATTIES!!! lol ... im so jealous! im about to go a chicken/lean meat and veggies/brown rice ONLY diet. but it will be worth it in the long run :D


Well-Known Member
Heres something i want to know..

How do you guys combat the smell of the oil in your house? ..whenever i was deep frying in the past it made my house stink! I hated that smell :(


Well-Known Member
i got a deep fryer for christmas like 2 years back and we tried deep frying anything we could get our hands on. my favorite are deep fried oreos. i found a recipe for batter online somewhere that tastes just like funnel cake and i cover the oreos in this. its delicious because the cream inside melts and gets the cookies all soft.


Active Member
that's amazing. one of my favorites. anyone done ice cream yet? i know how to do it, but haven't attempted yet.
My favorites are deepfied sweet potatoes, tortilla burrito wraps, burritos, and ice cream. all you gotta do for the ice cream is make a batter outa cornflakes. nummmmmm :hump:

Big P

Well-Known Member
u guys wanna know whats real yummy

u roll some peices of fresh cauliflower in flour and deep fry those buggers. once they get nice and golden brown take them out and salt, eat them with pita bread

also if you have never tried fried pickles with ranch dressing u are missing out



Well-Known Member
I don't have a real deep frier, I just use my wok and that works fine

this is what I fry -

They taste just like bk it's awesome