What do you do for SECURITY in your grow area?

Yeah, shipping things domestically vs. internationally are two entirely different stories. Shipping anything illegal across any border is just asking for trouble in my opinion. As far as I know its extremely rare for domestic mail shipments to be X-rayed or otherwise searched intensively unless something sends up an immediate red flag.

Would domestic US mail even pass through a facility with drug-sniffing dogs on site? I don't know. I wouldn't think so but I'm not an expert on the USPS.
Faraday/mylar bag block xray scan. To avoid any particules of odor, u must avoid crossed contamination... Mean u put weed in mylar bag and u change your gloves for new ones that didnt get in contact with weed before wrap it into another mylar bag.
There was an interesting news story a few months back about a few postal workers who could somehow id shipments of cannabis and were stealing them. I don't remember the details, but this was going on for months and they got a LOT of weed.

So you have to ask yourself, if a couple of hapless postal workers can figure what packages contain weed while running though a distribution center among millions of other packages, just how hard is it to find?

They were only caught because the post office looks for workers stealing shit. They didn't know what they were stealing at first.
I heard something, that when you pack and seal something then the material still will exchange molecules to the outside. Only if you seal it in glass or something it will work...
beartraps , boobytraps....
but the best :
super aegis 2 Combat Robot (fully autonomous!) http://www.dodaam.com/eng/sub2/menu2_1_4.php
- Autonomous Detection/Autonomous Firing
- Cal50 M/G(12,7mm), AGL(40mm), Portable Sam
- Range at day 3km
- at night 2.2km - Human detection in full darkness
- Control Device WLAN

after a couple of grows I invest in one of that :-D :-D :-D
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If you were a thief looking for a place to rob, would you go to the house with the big dog, or the house right next door with no dog?
if someone wants my stuff please wait till nobody is home. if you do come in, relax, weeds in the grow room and I wont return until you leave. I am watching you, stay out of the panty drawer, you'll look silly in court, leave my laptop please cuz I just figured out how to take nice pictures and store them on it. I'm insured no worries.
I employ remote camera monitoring, audio, video full time in and out of the grow room, grow building, house and outbuildings, gate and perimeter of 11 acres. when a dear farts we hear it, when he moves we see it.
thats all good if you live somewhere its legal to grow, if i walked in with video of someone robbing my garden, the cops would just throw my ass in the can. the only use i would have for it is so i could see who it is and go feed them to the hogs, myself