What do you do with your roaches?


Well-Known Member
I have been fortunate that I have not been without nor had to purchase weed for almost a year now. With a steady supply of great weed, I have had little need to use 2nd gen dope. Hence, I have quite a collection of them now.

Is it poor form to offer them to someone whom you know to not have a lot of $$ to buy weed?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply, mescalinebandit420. I should have been more clear: I meant offering the roaches gratis, just thought it might offend still.


Well-Known Member
Tet I am in the same boat, I have an endless supply of DANK. We roll several joints a day and we used to snip off the burnt part and toss the roach in a jar and give to a Hippie friend of ours. She was always glad to accept and it was a why waste feeling between us all. But now she is gone so I am now rolling with crunches/tips, so we can smoke the herb down close to no waste.


Well-Known Member
i'd give them to a friend if you're not going to smoke them. just tell him if he don't want them you're going to toss them. i bet he'll be more than happy to take them.


Active Member
Have bong a roach night.Put your roach in your bong a smoke it,toss it,grag a new one and continue on.


Well-Known Member
I also have a friend that loves to smoke my vaped pot. He is happy to get it....sometimes I toss a few buds in for him.....but if you are down on money who would complain about free pot even if it were roaches...enough of em and you can roll a few joints and be fine


New Member
Yeah, if I didn't have the resources to consistently have a steady supply of good smoke, I would be thrilled to receive a daily smokers roaches. As far as answering the thread title, we typically just throw them in a bowl or bong to reduce litter on the garage floor.