what do you guys or gals think

]hi there everyone im pretty new to this growing malarkie so i thought id share my experiences with you. so here goes......at the begining of june i was given four seedlings off a friend , so i planted them in my garden to see what would happen, bearing in mind i live in the north or england i wasn't expecting much. the pics below are growth stages from 10-06-2010 to the 25-07-2010 the middle pic is the last one i took before i moved it in side i heard that moving a plant inside is not the best thing to do for the plant but nosey neighbours forced me to, i have only posted pics of one of the four seedlings as the other three where males :-( since moving her inside she has started to flower and and i showing good signs of healthy growth ( i think) please let me know what you guys think :-)


these pics were taken about 2 weeks or so after i put her inside under a 600w hps lamp @ 11hrs of light and 13 hrs total darkness i havn't used any specialist plant foods i just used some general perpose plant food from wilkos

