i was just guessing on the lsd doses i didnt really consider the 1000 mics make up a mg but it was just an example of how the lsd around now is weaker... and as for the pcp i have no clue how much was shot... all i know is that these people were into hard shit all the time and weren't worried about living or dieing honestly...
as far as he knew (and hes pretty knowledgeable) he was smoking crystal T and was shooting pcp...the thc was crystalized but i believe he said the pcp was powder (probably a crushed pill)... he'd smoked crystal t multiple times during that course of time (few months- year maybe)
I don't want to argue about the thc thing...i've learnt from experience that the person im talking to is correct99% of the time so while it may not've beeN THC him and his friends were under the impression it was ...and he hasn't seen it or anything like it around in 30+ years...it would be 8 hours of being completely gone but as I said I never tried it. And he's been in this drug culture for 40 years now...so while noones ever heard of crystallized thc being around him telling me that he had it in like 1973 in ohio but since then it hasn't been anywhere at all, makes it seem like that's why noones ever heard of it but chemists can do some crazy shit and in the early 70s someone mightve figured out how to crystallize it and he maybe got popped...it wasnt water soluble though and had to be smoked (I know thc isnt water soluble, not exactly proof but a slight correlating detail)
off wikipedia lsd page: Typical doses in the 1960s ranged from 200 to 1000 µg while street samples of the 1970s contained 30 to 300 µg. By the 1980s, the amount had reduced to between 100 to 125 µg, lowering more in the 1990s to the 20–80 µg range.
Idk what current doses are...it takes me 5+ hits to actually get a good buzz going and this is the only place I can find it... from everything I hear past lsd used to be 4x as strong so I'd only need maybe 1-2 hits. regardless my guess at 1000 actually isnt too far off from the levels wikipedia reported was around in the 60s. the biggest rumor i fucked up on was they peyote and i admit that. I just got slightly offended when told my own experiences are bullshit...
As for the n,n-dmt and 5-meo-dmt whats the difference? i thought i read if you don't do dmt extraction correctly it'll turn into n,n-dmt. I'm not experienced or too knowledgable just talking about what I had knowledge of. Idk what a regular does of 5-meo-dmt would be or if thats the white crystals people talk about when extracting dmt from MHRB. I don't see how i could've gotten someone killed by telling them peyote may have strycnine in it, if anything it would cause them to be more careful