What do you guys think of my girl?


Active Member
This is NYC Diesel auto in DWC. First time doing DWC from soil and I didnt expect her to get so big to be honest, she takes up most of my 4'×4' tent. I've been defoliating bit by bit almost everyday but there are still alot of bud sites being blocked. I've never done major defoliation on any of my autos so I'm a bit nervous to take too much off. What do y'all think? I put my hand in the picture for size reference
Just a side note, the roots now are just a huge ball, do you think if I moved her into a bigger bucket she'd be happier? Shes in a 5g now with about 3-3.5g of nutrients.



Well-Known Member
Veg or Flower? what week?

5 gal bucket is fine, no need to change. Roots look kinda neat, right!