What do you guys think the dry weight yield will be

making the $$$

Active Member
10 feminized greenhouse AMS
5 superskunk
35 bag seed

growing outside, any guesses on what the dry yield will be my guess is between 1000-3000grams but thats just my WAG


Well-Known Member
we cant guess a yield when we don't know how much direct sun its getting. What your feeding the plants? I think your getting alittle to excited.

making the $$$

Active Member
im just looking for some broad guesses they will be fertilized and are in good soil ph around 6. They are in direct sunlight and they can be watered if needed. The growing season will be around 175-180 days with an average high being around 74 and average low of 60. The max average high will be 86 and minimum average low around 52. The plants can be started inside about 1-1.5 months of vegging prior to planting. Im not looking for a precise amount more a range.


Well-Known Member
if properly done an average of about 2-5 lb per plant giving you about 100 lb to 250 lb. thats just a guess tho.

this is in prime growing conditions tho. youll get alot more from properly grown outdoor plants than indoor plants.

so about 1600 Oz - 4000 Oz

so about 44800g - 112000g Dry

check my math i may be off.

making the $$$

Active Member
if properly done an average of about 2-5 lb per plant giving you about 100 lb to 250 lb. thats just a guess tho.

this is in prime growing conditions tho. youll get alot more from properly grown outdoor plants than indoor plants.

so about 1600 Oz - 4000 Oz

so about 44800g - 112000g Dry

check my math i may be off.

:!: WOW i dont think ill get that much lmao


Well-Known Member
If it's your first grow outside, I wouldn't get your hopes up. It not as easy as we all make it seem. Expect a under 20 lbs of finished product. Also, by adding your 50 bagseeds, your gonna flood the area with shitty pollen and ruin all the potentially dank weed you would get. Plus the buds that would be produced would be a mix of shitty bagseeds and poorly grown weed.

If you get either all feminized seeds or get all the males out you will have a much better grow. I would ditch the bagseed all together though. they tend to be less resistant to mold and disese then good quality strains.

making the $$$

Active Member
If it's your first grow outside, I wouldn't get your hopes up. It not as easy as we all make it seem. Expect a under 20 lbs of finished product. Also, by adding your 50 bagseeds, your gonna flood the area with shitty pollen and ruin all the potentially dank weed you would get. Plus the buds that would be produced would be a mix of shitty bagseeds and poorly grown weed.

If you get either all feminized seeds or get all the males out you will have a much better grow. I would ditch the bagseed all together though. they tend to be less resistant to mold and disese then good quality strains.
Thanks ya the good shit isnt going in the same area. Would you say I could get 6-7lbs of dope out of that grow. This is my first grow of mary but im no rookie farmer


Active Member
i would say 15 lbs. good luck with your grow, i'm also growing this year about 15 plants expecting to get at least 7 females, im growing 4 on pots, and 3 on the ground if i get the 7 females. im gonna go fishing today i hope i get some big fish to feed my plants...

making the $$$

Active Member
i would say 15 lbs. good luck with your grow, i'm also growing this year about 15 plants expecting to get at least 7 females, im growing 4 on pots, and 3 on the ground if i get the 7 females. im gonna go fishing today i hope i get some big fish to feed my plants...
Good luck with that man Id be stoked if I got 15lbs


Well-Known Member
just make sure your soil in mixed to a profession. your soil is like the base to your plant a bad base and you aren't going anywhere. You can list what you are going to use and ill tell you what you are missing. how much dirt do you plan on buying mix in perlite, and are you going to be able to water them during droughts?


Well-Known Member
i would say for 10 feminized seeds from a good seedbank with good genitics you are looking at 1-5lbs maybe more if you get a 5 foot plant with 4 or more colas i would say 1/2 pound a plant gl


New Member
just one thing though, everyone has given yield predictions, but no one has asked about one important factor yet

where the fuck are you dude, if your up north, then your going to be getting less bud than if you were in cali

making the $$$

Active Member
just one thing though, everyone has given yield predictions, but no one has asked about one important factor yet

where the fuck are you dude, if your up north, then your going to be getting less bud than if you were in cali
Im 41 North latitude in the midwest I listed all the particulars of the climate on the 1st page

If you average the whole growing season the average high would be upper 70's
average low around 60

Im vegging them out for 1 month prior to planting.

The soil is typical good midwestern farm field soil but is some what damp. If there is a need to water it'll be no problem to irrigate. For soil mix im just using the soil already present and mixing in livestock crap and some fish. Im also getting some basic plant nutrients


New Member
easy you make no sence you can still grow massive plants in northen climates

maybe i'm using words that are too big for you then, because i didn't say you can't grow big plants in a northern climate, all i said is that you won't get as much bud up north as you would in cali.

if your closer to the equator and your plants get more time under the sun with better weather, you would get more yield than you would if you were up north,

thats not saying you can't grow up north and you will only get small plants or any shit like that

read more of what has already been written before getting on your high horse