Fake ass "encounters", ya'll keep believing your BS, you aint seen aliens, that light and probing was probably done by a friend or relative while you slept!!
Now I've seen aliens, last year in Iowa, I was attending the fair and right there I saw the little fuckers, about 4' tall and fat, that's why FAT. Them bastards aren't skinny bug eyed opaque beings, hell now, picture a 4' tall john goodman with out hair and pinkish skin. While at the fair I uncovered their plot, their working with the gays man, yea Des Moines has a huge underground gay scene (can't be above ground it's F'n Iowa). The gays are working with the aliens, their building landing strips out there for them. What is in it for the gays, I have no clue, but them aliens seem to have them wrapped around their fingers, you should see how they order them around. WTF is up with gays speaking alien anyways?
Why is it always Iowa.