what do you like to smoke out of???????


Well-Known Member
like it says... whats your favorite way to smoke????

right now, mine is my home made single perc bong but i got a feeling the bubbler i just ordered is gonna be amazing.. (how do you all feel about bubblers??)


Well-Known Member
Wow. There must be a thousand of these threads by now. Oh well since I'm already here might as well say it. Bong.


Well-Known Member
i think bublers burn the weed mad quick but you do get big clean hits. i like a bong or the grav or gas mask if im feeling adventurous


Active Member
I used to only smoke joints, but with the stronger medicinal strains i just cant do it anymore. So The Bong Rules right now, looking into a vaporizer. I have a double bubbler that hits huge but as some1 else said burns quick.


Active Member
Errrrrr allow the mask shit, that shit must make your face yellow and STINK.......
joint with the cleanest papers,,,, blunts on rare occasions,,,, pipes for hash..... never really used a bong,,,, water pipe/challis not so much after I here how it takes away a lot of the thc....

have to be a joint.....
hash in a pipe....slow roast.....

some one said useing pipes with tiny amounts of weed for maximum flavour and not to over pack the blow,,,, good advice i liked, I liked alot haha


Well-Known Member
I have a problem with blunts.... Dude I'm a blunt girl lol.

Also, I love my 2 foot rasta bong and my white and blue 2 foot bong C:


Well-Known Member
Im in awe..........

Just what the FUCK am i looking at? :mrgreen:

haha its sectional glass that stacks up, like everypiece is glass on glass and i stack and it goes through 9 perculaters, and its realllllllllllllly smooth people hit it and expect it to be harsh but thre like wow..then sit down and just stare:mrgreen:

I love it man when i harvest im gonna bust the bitch out for sure!



Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
I use my e-cigarette. I mix 2 parts THC extract, 1 part Nicotine solution, 1 part flavoring (usually mint chocolate chip or strawberry kiwi). Sometimes this mixture can get really thick really quick so I will add 1/2-1mL of DI H2O or Grain alcohol to help thin it out. So, I don't usually smoke cigs or blunts anymore cuz 5-6 drops in my e-cig lasts half the day at very least. It works very well for me cuz I can smoke it anywhere anytime.
I use my e-cigarette. I mix 2 parts THC extract, 1 part Nicotine solution, 1 part flavoring (usually mint chocolate chip or strawberry kiwi). Sometimes this mixture can get really thick really quick so I will add 1/2-1mL of DI H2O or Grain alcohol to help thin it out. So, I don't usually smoke cigs or blunts anymore cuz 5-6 drops in my e-cig lasts half the day at very least. It works very well for me cuz I can smoke it anywhere anytime.
that shit must b nasty