What do you think about my first grow?


Ok, yeah they are both in the same container. That's half the reason I've been so scared to take him out because I knew it was going to fuck her over. "Cannabutter" huh? Do you know where I could find a recipe for that? I might have to try that one night.


Well-Known Member
here's a article from 420magazine.....Cannabutter - Simple and Easy!
Well as you probably know there are tons and tons of different ways to make it.

I will explain my method, because, well yeah, I find it's the best :D

Ok, first off, lets make this straight once and for all, yo udo not need the best dank-kadee-dank in the whole world to make cannabutter (CB). You can use dro, mids, shwags and even trim. Yes, trim, also known as stems and leaves. If you don't feel like spending a fortune on 1/2oz to make CB ask your dealer or hookup if he can get his/her hands on trim. Also, for all you growers out there, save your trim and make some decent CB.

Put your chef hat on and let's start this.

People are always wondering how much weed and how much butter should I use.. There isn't a perfect mesurement, everyone's weed has differenct THC %. So check it, one can use 1oz of weed for 1lbs of butter, go from there. But listen, you don't have to make 1lbs of CB, you can make 1/4lbs or even 1/8lbs, whatever floasts your boat. Just make sure that once you ass your marijuana in the pot that all of it is covered by butter and that it's not thick and heavy, you still want it to be able to move around easily.

Ok, so now that you've got your butter and weed on hand this is what you need to continue:
  • 2 pots, one slightly smaller then the other one so it can fit in the 1st bigger one
  • Water
  • Wood, metal, plastic spoon
  • A container that you will put your cannabutter in
  • A filter (read below for examples) and a rubberband
In the 1st bigger pot, put some water in it and wait until it boils.
In the 2nd smaller pot, put your butter in there and place the pot over the 1st one so it *THIS IS THE TRICK* NEVER EVER EVER has a direct contact with the pure heat source. This way, your butter will melt, simmer all by itself and will NOT burn. Your only job at this point is to stir it all slightly one in a while with a wooden spoon (I find it's better then a plastic or metal) and make sure that there is always enough water in the larger pot boiling.

You can leave your pots on the stove and have it all simmer for as long as you want, just keep and eye out for it. Gradually the butter will evaporate, so don't leave it on for a whole day of course.

If your making you CB with trim, it probably won't be as potent as the with weed, but that's ok, you'll just have to put more of it in your recipe.

Ok, so once you've decided that your CB is done, let's say after 1hour+ of it simmering, take the CB pot off the larger pot, careful it's hot, and let it rest for a couple minutes (5-10) until it cools off a bit so it doesn't melt of shatter the container you will be putting it in.

Throw out the water in the larger pan, you don't need it anymore.

Next, get the glass, plastic container and any kinda of filter you can get your hands one. Once again, it can be a cheese cloth, a coffee filter, 2 layers of bounty, whatever floats your boat and is in your kitchen, house. Whatever 'filter' you use must be strong enough and has to keep the herb from falling into the finish product.

So now put the filter you decided to use on top of the container, use a rubberband to hold it into place, if it's a coffee filter you won't need the rubberband.. Slowly poor your CB on the filter and the butter should drip and the weed should stay in you filter. You can gentily use your fingers to press down onto the CB so have it all go thru.

Now seal the container and put it in the fridge. If you want it to get hard right away, put it in the freezer.

You just made cannabutter, now its up to you decide how you will enjoy it.


Active Member
they produce seeds... so yeah, nothing of interest..... unless you want some seeds to grow the same pot....

Awesome first grow indeed, just get rid of that male and let the female do her thing!!!
I believe males produce pollen, not seeds, those are called pods.a nd you cant transplant that male. Just cut it with scissors its useless.


Well it's official. I cut him down. I'm sad but oh well. I only have one problem now. I believe the "female" might be a male!


Well-Known Member
dude wait, im confused! how did you come to the conclusion the other plant was male? was it showing sex or did you just assume it was male?


EXACTLY!!! It was assumed. Somebody on here told me it was a male and that I was stupid for having it. I'm so pissed off right now just thinking that I could have killed a 2 month old, 3 foot female!!! Believe me, I'm pissed.


Well-Known Member
wow, that really sucks. we all thought it must have been showing male preflowers and you noticed em. its a painful loss for a new grower, i really wish we would of known this a day or 2 ago. the pain will fade in a few days, but it will come back if the one you didnt cut ends up being male.try not to let this mistake bug ya, just focus on the one ya still got and start some more seeds in case it does end up being male.


Yeah man, I feel ya. I'm adding you as a friend or whatever when I figure out how to work this shit. It sucks but I will learn. I'm not going to let it go to waste. I'm going to load up my bong and smoke it with pride! You best believe this next one will show preflowers before I do anything drastic. The guy before told me that it was a male and that if I didn't get rid of it yesterday it would fuck up my yield and I was like ... shit. I wasn't about to me up everything so. I guess you have to learn somewhere.


Active Member
bro... i just finished reading that thread its insane what you go trough..
there is absolutely no way you can make pics?? we will tell you FO SHO if its a male or a bitch