What do you think about my next year set up?


New Member
i was gonna grow this year from a bag seed, but the seed never germinated, i had no money, about 70 bucks, and i had no spot to put them outside guerrilla style, but this year im going to watch the vegetation and find a good spot, then next year, im gonna get like $300 bucks, i want to get some serious seeds chronic, from attitude, when they come back in stock, i heard that its really potent and high yielding, and buy top of the line everything, fox farms soil, blow all my money on top of the line stuff, i am not sure what i'm going to get for fertilizer though, im hoping i can make them into like trees, i heard this fox farms is pretty good stuff, what do you think, pretty god damn good plants and yield?


Well-Known Member
"next year, im gonna get like $300 bucks" <- or get a job and not wait a year?

bag seed is fine, you run the risk of them being male, but for new growers, its great, you need the practice of growing, germinating, keeping them alive, etc...

"Blow all my money on top of the line stuff" <--- with 300 bucks, no you wont.

get some CFLs (20 bucks?) get some dirt (free, or 10 bucks if you pay for potting soil), get a pot, get some perlite. and get some cheap fertilizer. start your grow for under 100 bucks now. start upgrading and adding more and more as you get money from your job. dont get some expensive bad ass seeds if you have no idea what your doing, you need some experience, some grows under your belt before you start worrying about strains... and yield.


New Member
i have to wait a year because its already too late im pretty sure, i dont have a good spot, i dont have any seeds, and i cant grow inside because of my room mate, so no inside grow, and i have a buddy helping me with experience, hes been growing for like 10 years, he usually grows northern lights, so lets hope i can get some pretty good shit next year


Well-Known Member
Try to get fertilizer that's organic if you can, for vegetative growth it is good to find a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen (Nitrogen,P,K) <---- order it will be on a fertilizer I believe (NPK)


Active Member
I agree with nick. If I were you, I wouldn't buy some bad ass seeds, especially if you had one and couldn't even get it to germinate (no offense, just the way I see it). Get some practice first. There's elements outside, you'd be pissed if some vermin cam around and ate 100 bucks worth of "dank" seeds.

I'm only on my first grow, but the bag seed I used gave me all females, and I have every reason to believe it's gonna be some dank ass bud, as long as I take care of it. Genetics are important, but it's not like bag seed has bad genetics, if nothing else it probably tends to be some pretty hardy genetics.

That's my two cents anyway. Other than that, you have plenty of time, if you're not starting for an entire year, do some research (maybe, move out of wherever you live now so you can grow inside without worrying about some punk ass roommate).


Well-Known Member
Anyone know what fertilizer I should use?
No offense, but if ur buddy has been growin for 10 years y r u asking an online community for advice u should have already asked him/her? Or something they should have told u from the jump?? "Oh.. u wanna grow.. well this, this, and this is what u need." Are u trying to hide it outside so ur roomie doesn't know, or u just bc u they won't let u grow indoors? Imo NL is an indoor strain bc of low odor n smaller stature, if ur have to grow outdoors why not
go for a big outdoor strain? Kaya gold or similar?