What Do You Think About The Radiation Situation In Japan?Is The Gov't Keeping Secrets

iosh herman

Active Member
Title says it all, I'm from SOCAL so i have been watching CNN for the couple weeks since this disaster, its very tragic for the good people of Japan, but I do think that we are not being told everything thats actually going on, and I do belive that they will not release 100% true information to keep the population from panic, as you may have heard the Iodine pills are sold out everywhere...

The nuclear disaster was really worrying me when the reactors we're "melting down" seeing as how the jetstream can carry the radioactive particles to california, but once TEPCO restored the electricity to cool the reactors I was relieved....

ONLY to have heard today that massachussets detected radiation in their rain water, low levels of course...I know Obama said it isn't something to worry about, I don't think they will tell us ANYTHING important until the LAST second possible...


Japan Nuclear Crisis


bud bootlegger
of course its much worse then what they are telling us, i have absolutely no doubts about that fact.. first of all, the company running the nuclear plants over there are a private compnay, and they aren't even telling the japanese gvt exactly what is going on there, so no doubt that the us gvt, is probably very much in the dark on the details of many things happening there..
tbh, its a very scary situation no doubt.. i feel horrible for the people who live any where near the power plants.. i have a bad feeling that the effects from this are going to be lingering around for many many years..
for christ sake, you can't get anywhere even near chernobyl without being in a damn space suit almost.. i have heard stories that they have some super crazy animals running around over there now that have been affected by the fall out.. i know that the situation in japan isn't as bad as chernobyl was, but still, no nuclear disaster is very good for the environment nor the people who live near them.

iosh herman

Active Member
The only thing that is kinda odd is that the same company who runs the plant (TEPCO) previously witheld information from the Japanese government about some other shit...makes me think they are going to do it again, and as well the Japanese told their people to evacuate a certain amount of miles away while the US told their people in japan to evacuate like 4 times the distance the Jap gov said...Weird, although i am not saying in any way we will be in danger, im just thinking that these guys haven't seen the end of the nuclear disaster...

@Balzac...I didn't even know about the Chernobyl accident until the Japan disaster happened, thats what i get for being born in 1990

iosh herman

Active Member
of course its much worse then what they are telling us, i have absolutely no doubts about that fact.. first of all, the company running the nuclear plants over there are a private compnay, and they aren't even telling the japanese gvt exactly what is going on there, so no doubt that the us gvt, is probably very much in the dark on the details of many things happening there..
tbh, its a very scary situation no doubt.. i feel horrible for the people who live any where near the power plants.. i have a bad feeling that the effects from this are going to be lingering around for many many years..
for christ sake, you can't get anywhere even near chernobyl without being in a damn space suit almost.. i have heard stories that they have some super crazy animals running around over there now that have been affected by the fall out.. i know that the situation in japan isn't as bad as chernobyl was, but still, no nuclear disaster is very good for the environment nor the people who live near them.
Great post


Well-Known Member
yes, its horrible, soon your teeth and hair will fall out.

make a pillow out of your hair and put your teeth under it for the toothfairy, thats the only bright spot in the situation, soft pillow and lots of toothfairy dollars. bling bling.
wonder how all your outdoor grows will be with radiation fallout on them? hope it doesn't burn the soil and make the MidWest the Cannabis Capital of the WORLD!!!!!!


iosh herman

Active Member
The more toothfairy dollars the more beer in my system...Thumbs up for turning something bad ^ good...

All joking aside though I feel terrible for the people around the plants and it sux that a plant that was supposed to survive unthinkable disasters cant...And i read that a number of california plants have the same structure model as the Fukishima plant, and we all know Cali is DUE for a fat ass earthquake...


bud bootlegger
Great post
why thank you, lol.. it is scary though.. like those people haven't already had to deal with enough bs with nuclear issues.. and like the damn tsusnami isn't bad enough, you've got to tac on top of that having to worry about a nuclear plant melting down in your back yard.. the thing i find ironic is that with all the water that just washed over that country, there still isn't enough in the pool to keep the rods cool.. fucking ironic at its best..


Well-Known Member
Last I looked it was Like a 2 week wait on the pills order them,,,I am can't hurt. You all on the West Coast have more to worry about Radiation,,,So Far....


Well-Known Member
ok like the movie CHina sysndrom...........does a melt down really burn a hole..............in the worst case synario what happens to a plant that fails and no water on the rods................never really read up on it...............so tell me.......please

iosh herman

Active Member
I heard some shop owners talking about how much money they were bringing in a month from those pills & they said about $1000 dollars a month...After the disaster 6 figures in 2 days...If only i can predict what is going to happen I could be rich i tell you!

iosh herman

Active Member
ok like the movie CHina sysndrom...........does a melt down really burn a hole..............in the worst case synario what happens to a plant that fails and no water on the rods................never really read up on it...............so tell me.......please

I have been following this since it happened, so heres some info..

A meltdown is a catastrophic failure that happens when there is no more water in the reactors cooling pods which house the spent fuel rods...The building with these rods in them is fuckin huge, we're talking like olympic size swimming pools with nuclear rods in them... What happened was that the diesel generators jacked up because of the tsunami which stopped the flow of water into the pools, thus having the Burning hot rods boiling the water away...These rods are HOT AF like we're talking 3rd or 4th degree burn shit...If there is no water in the pools then the rods melt creating a "meltdown" thus releasing Radioactive steam in the air...

Not to mention that in the heat of this battle the workers were getting totally fucked by radiation levels in the plant and had to evacuate for certain amounts of time, while this happened i thought we were doomed because if there is no electricity or workers pumping water then these rods WILL melt, and also that a few workers went missing probably died and the workers that survived suffered major radiation poisioning so I want to applaud all of those workers in that plant...


Well-Known Member
Bullshit they are fairly inexpesive,,,,Look up survival???
Shit is way worse than any movie,,,Kinnda like rated XXX,,,They hide the truth,,,and yes a "Meltdown" is Fucked up.


Well-Known Member
one of my best friends lives in osaka...when i talk to him about whats going on over there i get different answers from him then what we get on the news here.he says half the stuff they say on the news in the usa is complete bullshit fear mongering.that he sees what they report here on cnn is half bullshit.that its nothing more then an excuse for red cross to start getting more funds.look at everything thing you see on tv over here...text red cross to donate text red cross to donate.do people not think that japan has the means to handle a disaster like this?not to mention what gets better ratings here...disasters or happy endings.yes japan has went through a lot since this has happened.but leave it up to news organizations here to make things out to be worse then they are.look at the first gulf war,the ongoing wars in the middle east,hurricane katrina.death and disaster gets good ratings
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Well-Known Member
actually background radiation levels around the world were 200x higher than 100 years ago.

thanks to about a zillion nuclear bomb tests done around the world and nuclear waste burial and whatnot.

that was before that japan accident.

but the japs are pretty well equipped to handle this and i doubt this will raise the levels that much.
besides, this is like a drop in the ocean, thanks to close to 100 years of human stupidity.

but again, not so much to worry about, look at chernobyl. not so far off that people can live there again.