What do you think of this clone?


New Member
So I have attempted cloning 2 other times and failed. this time seems different it seems as if it will take. so the reason I post is because I would like it to survive so please any suggestions would be appreciated. thanks clone day 1.jpgclone day 1 night.jpgclone day 4.jpg


New Member
all I have is rootone soil and lil potting cups. I was told and have seen some one clone with only these things but I would love to maybe learn more. the pics are one clone pic 1 is wen I clipped the cutting pic 2 later that day pic 3 is day 4. I have been giving her rootone water and regular water off and on with the two. she also shows signs of new growth.


Well-Known Member
bubble cloner.

Super easy and inexpensive to make and very effective.

Clones dont need intense light to root. I keep mine off to the side in my veg room. They only get inderect light from my veg light, not much at all. I also trim the fan leaves off except for one or two small ones and the main growth shoot.


Well-Known Member
it might be better to just clone under CFLs instead of direct sunlight, or try a shaded area.

i agree with those who mentioned using a bubble/aero cloner, you don't even need the cloning gels, just snip & plug them in, easy~


New Member
thanks I was looking up the bubble cloner and am going to make on thanks guys for the suggestions if u have mare just let me know