What Do You Think/Talk About When Your High?


Everytime me and my boyfriend are high we ALWAYS think of really cool inventions .. or we talk about earth. Me and him and his roomate get in these long conversations about life etc.. i dont know if someone has already made a thread like this, but i thought it would be interesting to know what people talk about when they are high!:weed:


Well-Known Member
yup just random things that pop up...like if we are watching tv whatever is on is what we talk about and then we get off track and catch ourselves talking about something way off


Well-Known Member
i think of everything, i wish my girlfriend smoked :/ she doesnt mind that I do, hell she has packed my bowl on roadtrips while im driving, but shit I wish she would smoke


Well-Known Member
im usually alone when i toke, so i think about a lot of things. when im baked i like to "take a trip inside" and see how far into my consciousness i can go. every now and then i close my eyes and immediately im going through wormholes into other parts of the universe. it takes practise to be able to get to these places but if you manage, you can really learn a lot about yourself and what consciousness and the universe are, how they work together, etc.

when im with friends i just talk about whatever nonsense that comes to mind...and then completely and totally forget it moments later :D hahaha


Well-Known Member
i think of everything, i wish my girlfriend smoked :/ she doesnt mind that I do, hell she has packed my bowl on roadtrips while im driving, but shit I wish she would smoke
yes i say the same about my girlfriend....she said she will one day....but not today or anytime soon...but she does help and break up my weed....now see if i can get her to roll me one...