What do you think?


Second grow. Both just some bag seed. This bag seed was from a very nice bag, one from which I had 2 good seeds and accidentally smoked one.

Anyway, she is going into her 8th week of flower in these pics. Somehow, I seem to have a low rider, weather it was by genetics or by something I did. Like putting it into 12/12 at two weeks, topping once at one week and some LST. I'm using a 400W HPS since it was sprouted. Some superthrive (1 drop/ 8 oz) for first two weeks, and fertilome blooming and rooting up til a week ago. MG soil. R/O water. Not sure why one main cola is a lot bigger than the other. And my lower fan leaves have been turning yellow and falling off, which I suspect is normal. The top couple inches of growth (above the curled up ones, which I solved, somewhat) all the other leaves have this rusty look (like little yellow or red spots all over) and something like burnt tips. Otherwise, everthing else seems to be ok. :weed:You all think I did any good on this one?:weed: My idea was to keep it under 2' but i didn't expect colas that size out of a 1' plant.12292011363.jpg12292011365.jpg12292011364.jpg12292011366.jpg

:leaf:Is it possible I created a low rider out of a bag seed, or was it in the genetics.:leaf:


No more opinions? No more Friendly advice. How likely is it to create a low rider from bag seed? I've only done OD grow before. Would this be considered a cab/micro grow? And do you think I might have an Oz dry? the main colas seem like they're gonna weigh at least 1/2 Oz wet. Any thoughts?


A whole 2 replies from same person. Come on fellas, at least give some feedback. Seems like I'm talking to a wall here. Might as well be asking myself this stuff?


Ya. Was pretty good bag. No idea of the strain though. I was just curious if it has to have low rider genes to stay that short. Or could be that I used lst? If I untie my branches, she is still only 16 inches tall.


plant looks fine bro...3-4 weeks left....go on amazon and order up a microscope 60x-100x is like 13 bucks on the low end...check on the trichomes...i usually take my girls down when the trich's are about 40% cloudy with a little hint of amber. no one knows the strain you have going otherwise we might have more for you about the genetic traits. i tie down and super-crop...i suggest you do both next time if you want bushes or a full canopy.


I bought a looking glass with 5x,10x, and 15X. I can combine the lenses to get a good view, and all my trichs are still clear. Just yellowing of lower leaves. Normal? And what appears to be tiny rust colored spots on some of the upper leaves. Otherwise, she seems fine.


I bought a looking glass with 5x,10x, and 15X. I can combine the lenses to get a good view, and all my trichs are still clear. Just yellowing of lower leaves. Normal? And what appears to be tiny rust colored spots on some of the upper leaves. Otherwise, she seems fine.
im sure that things are fine...take some pictures and upload them, thats the best way for anyone to try to help is if we can somehow see what you are concerned about. if the under-growth is turning yellow...might wana go through and clean them up.


The undergrowth is turning yellow and eventually falling off. For 1-2 weeks, fan leaves started to curl under like a rams horn. The new growth is fine as far as curling, but has this tiny yellow spots all over, and the tips of leaves looking burnt. I thought maybe a cal/mag def., or maybe a K def. since the leaves are curling under.

What is good for a K def? And how much epsom salt should I add per galoon for a cal/mag def?