What does excessive growth mean for me?


Well-Known Member
I got a plant, grows like a weed and has 11 leaves per leaf with 4 stems per node. Seems to be too much but I cant pick if it's good or bad.

Kief Chief

Well-Known Member
u can never have to much plant. but if light for u is a factor u cant increase then sum manicuring might help u


Well-Known Member
So having so much leaf won't inhibit the size of my buds? I'd think whatever grows out of it would be leafy and stemmy :|


Well-Known Member
So having so much leaf won't inhibit the size of my buds? I'd think whatever grows out of it would be leafy and stemmy :|
go read about photosynthesis and and plant botany...more leaves = more sugar production and light absorbtion = bigger more bountiful fruit....leave the leaves alone.....:hump:


Well-Known Member
I figured I'd get bigger from more, but I seen all this stuff on sites about leaf to bud ratio.