What does flower room exhaust have in it?

I'm so curious, the hot air exhaust from a 12x12 flower room with 8 or 9 lights, other than having more oxygen, would it contain chemicals from the lights? I'm asking because since my flower room is next to the living room and it gets cold here, I could exhaust into my living room and get some free heat LOL.

oh BUT what if I'm running cO2, could that be deadly? yikes..
That was actually my next question. CO2 is heavier than O2 so it falls, so would the exhaust cause much of an issue? Could it not be needed because the CO2 is helping cool the room to the point where exhaust is not needed? You still air exchange don't you? Maybe the exhaust only kicks on when the CO2 is off?


Well-Known Member
ive never ran co2, too much hassle and prolly wont do much.

keep in mind if air is circulating, try not to smoke heavily in that area, it cintains hormones bad for the plants. same with drying your crop