What does flowering period mean?


When resource material talks about a "flowering period of 45-55 days, are they talking about the time from germination to ripeness or do they mean the length of time from the begenning of the reduced light cycle to ripeness?


Well-Known Member
Length of time from the beginning of the reduced light cycle to ripeness. Keep in mind most of the time you have to add 7-10 days to whatever the times are supposed to be. I have noticed that TGA's descriptions and time frames seem pretty accurate. I hope this helped. Happy growing!!!


Active Member
i always counted from the first sign of preflowers ( 7 to 10 day window from starting 12/12 lights cycle) unless you veg longer :)
there are a few factors that effect the time to ripen mine battle is temperature because my grow area is pretty cool 62-67 degrees my plants take a little longer, grow a little smaller.....but i'm fine with that i grow in a cabinet
but yeah checking the trichomes is the best way I don't even count the weeks anymore :) (I'm a geek i bought a 2mp digital microscope)

ps here is part of a post that had some pics :)

i like an up lifting head buzz so i go for white trichomes with a few amber ones...like these.... View attachment 2703219View attachment 2703222View attachment 2703225View attachment 2703226
some folks like\need that narcotics effect with more amber trichomes....more mature
keep in mind your harvest will continue to mature as it dries\cures at least for that first week
all in all wait....i think they will still plump up over the next 2 weeks :smile:


Thanks, to all w/ helpful info, the pictures helped a lot. I too prefer that heady buzz. Seems I need to invest in a good magnifying glass. This is my first serious closet grow,2 Northern Lights & 2 White Widows, I am so anxious, I know I'm getting close maybe a week or so left. My temp problem is heat, some time approaching 90f, but the ladies are lookin good!