What does Spraying Cola do?

I know this is an old thread, but has anyone considered that the PHOSPHORIC ACID would help root development as well as flower production if poured directly into the soil (not sprayed on leaves). I wondered the same thing, since Blackstrap Molasses accomplishes much the same thing(one tbsp/gal water approx) ...any true horticulturists or botanists, or experienced growers who could offer some insight without sounding like a hater? PEACE ALL :)
LOL I totally agree I was going to post something similar the only reason to use Coca-Cola would be to bring the acidic aspects up to lower your pH Coca-Cola has a lot of acid in it you should never spray directly on your plant if you're going to use anything we should diluted in water and poor in the soil the only thing you should spray your plant with is water think of it this way when you put it in the soil it eats nutrients gradually through the update if you spray it on the plant it's like you're shooting it through its vein with a needle very quick uptake you should only spray your plant for drastic measures and if you're going to use Coca-Cola which should only be for acidic reasons mix it with water and always check the pH before you poured on the soil that's just my opinion and what I've learned in my 17 years of growing
Why are you resurrecting decade old threads?

Also, spraying with cola is an age old trick to bamboozle your customers.

You tell them you have to charge extra for the sticky icky, they see the bud and it's sticky so they're happy...until they smoke it.
An then u loose tht customer