what does this look like?


New Member
dont look that bad
are those the only spots and where are they located on the plant?
maybe calcium perhaps
Can u possibly take a pic of the whole plant?

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
I think you are havin k issues. Whats the runoff ph of that soil? Add 1 1/2 tablespoons molasses, that should help. Has mag, cal, sulfer, and potassium, along with some carbs to help it catch up to speed.


Well-Known Member
ok i added 3 whole plant pics but they're from 3days ago so you'll notice the damage is getting worse and to phil i dont have a ph meter.


New Member
and can you explain what you have done to it in the past week or so???
from the looks of those pics,it looks a bit over fertilized...


Well-Known Member
the last time i fed her was the 2nd of this month with Neptunes harvest organic fish her 2-4-1 mixed with some of my homemade seaweed fert, and the time before that was 10-11days before the 2nd.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
ok i added 3 whole plant pics but they're from 3days ago so you'll notice the damage is getting worse and to phil i dont have a ph meter.
You dont need a meter, get a liquid test kit, its like 10 bucks, runoff,into a small vial, a few drops of tester solutionand compare the color to the ph chart. Its simple. You may not know if its 6.1 or 6'2 but it doesntatter that much when we are trying to get a ballpark picture....just like your bathroom scale says 185 lbs, not 185 and 3 ounces...


Well-Known Member
I mix at 2 tbps per gal. (mixing instructions) but the container is filled 1/5 up with my seaweed mix then topped with rain water.


New Member
Hmmm...kinda what I said....again
Hmmmm...and obviously the dude wants more than just your opinion,or he would have already done it....
Sometimes people want to here something from more than one person,before they take it into consideration
And after hearing what he had to say,that's what I came up with.....other than just saying ur ph is off and nutrients are out of range
or u need K,give molasses
just take it easy and let people post there opinions

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Hmmmm...and obviously the dude wants more than just your opinion,or he would have already done it....
Sometimes people want to here something from more than one person,before they take it into consideration
And after hearing what he had to say,that's what I came up with.....other than just saying ur ph is off and nutrients are out of range
or u need K,give molasses
just take it easy and let people post there opinions
No, youre right, thats true, people should take more than one persons advice for certain.
I should just pipe down respectively, I just thought it was funny because in a few threads I have given advice, you have said it shouldnt be done only to later come back and give the same advice(in ways)
Really its all good, I just kinda got a chuckle when I saw that one. I apologize for being petty :-)


New Member
a few threads???
Please list,if you don't mind...
The only thing I disagreed with you on this thread was the ph being off,which was logical


Well-Known Member
After careful inspection of my girl, i noticed some tiny white/cream eggs but not uniformed under the same leaves in the pics. It seems as tho I had some sort of mite which I believe now caused the problem. I got rid of the most damaged leaves and the larger ones with the few spots are still hanging in there. I checked all of the remaining leaves very thoroughly and destroyed all eggs and proceeded to spray the whole plant with a hot pepper mix this morning. This being the 11th day since the posted pics, no more leaves are dying and bud growth is well on track and doesn't seem hindered at all. I will post some pics in a few days, thanks again to those who aided me in my time of unsurety.