What Does Your Screen Name Mean?


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Staff member
...yeah, if you really are a young mofo then you won't remember Firesign Theater but they were a kind of comedy/music group from back in the hippy days, around the same time as Cheech & Chong, ...anyway, their fourth recording was entitled "i think we're all bozo'a on this bus", ...it was recorded back in '71 and it's available for 'viewing' (there is no actual video) on YouTube but it's best listened to with a good buzz.

peace, bozo
Uhh you wouldn't be an engineer perchance? Don't crush that dwarf hand me the pliers?

PS I'm sure the meaning of my screen name is pretty obvious.


Well-Known Member
Aw nuts trying to crack the code but just drawing blanks... Challenge accepted :)
lol shouldn't be to hard, there is only one combination of letters that makes sense as a name lol (that I know of anyway). As for my last name that will forever be a mystery, I hope lol


Well-Known Member
Dannoo cuz my dad always called me dannoo when I was visiting and 93 cuz its the year I was born bammmm


Well-Known Member
mine is a semi play on my actual name and its a saying my friends started sayin to me years ago cus there are times when i dont know how to act


bud bootlegger
i'm a big fan of all things with four wheels for the most part, the faster the better.. also a big fan of forumula one, and w/e some unsuspecting sucker gets in my car for a drive, they ask what i think i am, some kind of racerboy?? the obvious answer is yes as my motto is drive it like you stole it.. :D

and 71 happens to be the year of my birth.. :D


Well-Known Member
My screen name is from the song "The Joker by Steve Miller Band." MidNightToker was taken so I went with AllDayToker. A ton of thought :lol: Plus I smoke weed all day and night so it makes since. ;)


Well-Known Member
see4 -> C4 -> Explosive -> Im the fucking bomb.


see4 -> Four Eyes -> Glasses -> Nerd.


see4 -> Seeing double -> Im so high Im seeing 4.

Any of those will suffice.