What drives your passion?


Active Member
I didn't start smokin til last year. Even though I was born and raised in So Cal, I never really liked it that much before.

Basically, weed became apart of my lifestyle, because I didn't have many people to hang with. However, I've been doin well adjusting that lately.

But now, I've found myself engulfed in the cannabis culture wanting to learn more about all facets (Build, Buy, or Bring). I definitely feel that it will continue to be apart of my lifestyle, for many years.

So I'd like to ask,
What made you so passionate about MJ?


Well-Known Member
what makes me passionate? the pure bliss.
I love that first hit in the morning.....mmmmmmmmmm tastes so gooood.
I love watching the plants grow.
I love that it takes away the physical pain.
shit, I don't think there is anything about this plant that doesn't make me passionate about it...


Active Member
i started smoking the good stuff when i was 12 which probably wasn't the best thing for me, the first 5-6 years of smoking was purely to get smashed and off your face just fun really but after the hype of it was over i began to enjoy it alot more than just for the reason to get hammered. The plant itself almost brought a new life to me for gardening because i don't find gardening very interesting at all unless its growing this amazing plant :peace: so in turn it has made me more of a green person, i have more respect for the planet and the life forms that are on it. I still love smoking and toking everyday and i believe that it will be with me for the rest of my life, maybe not to the extent that i smoke now or even the quality will be great, but i can definitely see myself sitting around when im an old fart tokin on me pipebongsmilie with me bushy's:weed: in the back still enjoying every thing that life has to offer :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
For me it started like 6 to 8 months ago. There is no denying that it is an enjoyable experience, but being able to sleep is really what keeps me coming back. I've been an insomniac my whole life, and after discovering how well weed can help me controll that it's hard to go without it. Hopefully the doctor sees my point this weekend and I will legally be able to treat myself.

But the growing seems really fun, and it's a pretty easy plant to grow so far.


Well-Known Member
yea! I have insominia myself. if I dont smoke, I just lay there with so much shit running threw my head. but smoking puts me too sleep.but I love everything about mary.samething as orecal said.


Active Member
Yea, it's weird because of the way I started smoking regularly. It definitely wasn't due to healthy reasons, however, it did allow me to be open about this culture and the understanding of the drug.

I used to think bud was so bad, but it really isn't. Understanding how this plant is used to help so many people, not only with serious mental conditions, but also just surviving life's repetitive blandness has been rewarding. It's something that we all understand, even if we live thousands of miles away.